
i hope your kids r gay, ben -owen, arguing with ben over whether ppl r born gay or not

yvone & colleen dropped by b4 to show me the kitty yvone penned on col's shoulder. kitty says, "ahro?" nice. then yvone proceeded to write the following on my almighty wipe board:
dana likes... i mean loooves nakie ladies. watch out! (esp asians)
i initialed it

wow, so it was gorgeous out today. apparently it may hit *say what?!* 80 tomorrow... but then it'll b 38?? again by thurs. what the h man, what the h. spring is tuggin' at my heart strings yo

this is as laura puts it- adorable & cheesy, but true. ugh. i completely sympathize with the work issue. yeah it's a bitch & yeah i want it to end... but i wouldn't say i wanna go back. 2 worlds yo, livin' in 2 worlds. parting with this one? yeah, i'm gonna cry. i know it already, & i ain't no crier.
just like winter break, i know that things will slink back... but dude, such opposite life styles can really mess with a person's emotions. ugh, i repeat.

yeah, so this wk i'm trying to b terribly uncharacteristic & actually get ahead on my work. we'll see how *that* goes. i've still gotta interview a bunch of international students for my global studies project... i don't anticipate it being the easiest thing to put together, but it's cool to know that it will actually be informative, & hopefully, amusing to take on.

so someone came down the hall today singing avril lavigne. sometimes when i hear the lyrics to her infectious pop songs i wonder how she hit the nail on the head like that. then i remember that she's a canadian puppet & suddenly the world is subjected to gravity once more. still though, the 40 yr olds who wished to recreate teenage emotions must have been chewing the appropriate gum. ha, but by far, my favorite line must still remain as 'till ya chose weed over me, ur so laaamuh', simply because of the accent on lame. oh avril... i'm proud to say ur canadian.

check this, i'm frickin' ASIAN!
Madama Butterfly
You are Cio Cio San from Puccini's "Madama
You're quiet, unassuming, and conventional. You
don't like to make waves and so you are always
deferential and polite. But don't let yourself
be a doormat--you have needs too!

Which DIVA are you?
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