
when u get older u shrink -kim
my mom doesn't drink -yvone

oh sweet sweet blog. i'm sorry i hath shafted thee. i'd say that i was really busy, & that i meant to call or perhaps that someone died... but no, nah, i'm a bastard alright.

well i dunno if ur gay, but i know u like boobs a lot -rachel, to me
yeah, why do u like boobs so much? -jeff
(perplexed) what's there not to like? -ben

so today i was in 2 movies. in one i'm a girl out for revenge, & in the other i'm a model. apparently i seem like i can act or something, i mean granted these r silent, but still... i dunno, i'm not convinced. it's cool though, i like to see how everything turns out, it amuses me.

ok, i had thoughts apparently several days ago. keys... i dunno what the h i was thinking about keys... opening doors i can do. yeah, so guys, holding doors is cool. when random guys ya don't know hold the door for ya, that's just dandy. i mean yeah there r some gals that r like shazam! i'll get it! but ya know, those r the folks who need a good smack. their behavior perplexes me. how is this gesture demeaning? it's a nice thing to do dammit. the moral of the story is, boys- don't b afraid to show some manners to the anonymous. it can really make a gal's day. & gals, say thank u, no big deal. hurrah

yeah... so ITHACAPPELLA. they had a concert last night. sold out, yeah, yeah that's right. holy crap r they amazing. it literally gave me chills, twice. colleen says i'm insane, but in an endearing way. i can deal with that. but oh man, we're such groupies. we got invited to the after party. ha, what is that? i stood up & cheered like 50 times. amazing!

that's all i really feel like writing for now. after numerous death threats i decided to give ya a little somethin' somethin' to indulge in. & of course- an even cheesier quiz. ay, there's nothing out there these days. but in all fairness, i did initially start the quiz thing as a hey, this will b fun for the wk sort of deal. who knew that they too would catch on like wild fire once featured in my fantastical blog of all blogs... who knew
cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


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