
u r made of cheese -colleen. always stickin' it to me alright

today- long frickin' day. holy toledo. yes, april 8th offered 'the sassy miss malone' a mixed bag, indeed

yeah, so yesterday's thoughts? ehh, too bad, i don't feel like talking about them now. i'm too busy eating a 3 musketeers bar & drinking a raspberry snapple.... both of which ROCK might i add. never underestimate the power of chocolate. oh, & according to emily's friend keith- raspberries get the shaft so uh, look out for that one kiddies. perhaps it's cuz it's spelt funny. rasPberry? i never really thought of it till now, but what the h is that?

speaking of emily, this is amazing. jersey pride, REPRESENT foo!

ha, i'm happy now

OY i've gotta figure out my schedule. ...yeah, so i really hope that u read schedule with the sch, like the brits do it yo. sch schhhh... man, that's just funky

& alas- the quizzes have returned... sigh, most of what's left seems to b pretty stupid though-
You see the would in Red, Green, and Blue
To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

scientific? ehh, i dunno about that... as i said, quiz quality is lessening. ugh.



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