
fair enough

things are going rather well. classes are getting into full swing, and i'm finding my schedule more manageable. i also found out that i'm on the "high potential" list according to the TFA recruiter... *fingers crossed*

alito was indeed confirmed though, and that is not a plus. i haven't been as up as i should be on my news lately though, so i don't feel that i can rant intelligibly at this point in time either. le sigh.

the boys and i went into the city for the screening of good ol' "running from johnny law" the other night. after an 8 hour trek, we were pleased to find that yes, it's on channel 102 yet again. check it out if you've got 5, if only to see how pretty my bf's hair is (and to laugh at them picking quite possibly the most horrendously faced still to promote the show with).

happy february, kiddies


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