
before the new yr and holiday remnants officially fade...

You Were a Little Naughty This Year!

While you're not likely to greet Santa with sucker punch...
He's still not too jolly about coming to your house.
You might get a small token from Mr. Claus
Like some detox pills for your liver.

back to school on friday! home is of course growing weary. i feel like i eat better when i'm at school, for one thing (in terms of healthiness, that is). i've also been having headaches lately, though that is either from our kerosene heater, my wisdom teeth, or both. bahhhh.

let's get braces at the same time! the boy and i are both looking to make the venture to correct our mouths. my mom said that we'd have to be careful not to get stuck together. i'm sorry, i didn't realize that i just turned 12, not 22.
infernal lack of insurance and proper decision making at a young age...

ay, i feel like i've been depriving you all of news. i've been terrible on keeping on with things over the break. oh what pop culture can do. bragelina, anyone? i don't approve.

man, i love milk.

oh, so if anyone has made resolution to save money this year and is looking to open a savings account, lemme know. if you join ING Direct via my referral, we both make some dough.

alright, i must part before i get lame and talk about how i miss the boy or something. grossssss!!
later loves-


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