
sometimes, i'll confess to crying at movies

Joel: I don't see anything I don't like about you.
Clementine: But you will! But you will, and I'll get bored with you and feel trapped, because that's what happens with me.
Joel: Okay.

when we ask ppl if they're doing okay, we really aren't prepared for anything but a mediocre response. if someone says no, we don't entirely know what to do. that's not the way this sort of banter is supposed to go. what i have encountered recently, however, is the opposite. it's a funny predicament that i somehow feel like a jerk for responding with "really good actually."

when our friends fall upon bad times, we are there to listen. this is certainly important, warranted, and comforting. no one really wants to hear about a whole heap of good though. it leaves us with no cookie cutter responses, and perhaps sometimes, only leaves an uncomfortable sense of disdain. i'm not saying that anyone has particularly been a punk lately, i think it's just an interesting observation nonetheless. i also wouldn't peg myself in the category of immune to this, just makes me wonder why that is. i suppose it can be argued that we need a friend more in bad times than in good, but what are the good times without friends in the first place? ohhh interpersonal commmunication dilemna...

and to throw in a bit of random:
i promise not to think of you in your underwear if you promise not to think of me in mine- my speech prof., pointing out that they idea of picturing your audience in their underwear is just bizarre


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