
over-involvement strikes again!

oh my dear blog, i fancy the time we spend together so.

and so the semester began with my being all bahhh no ictv for me this year..
4 productions later, i can safely say that this was a lie. i just love the creative outlet that tv provides. and then there's buzzsaw (now with an office!) and i also went to check out iMPrint, the new online magazine. hotness. oh activities, i heart thee so.

speaking of which-
mark your calendars kiddies!
the board has a lot of great ideas floating, and we'd really like to see a more diverse and informed group emerge, do come! -we'll even brings snacks!!

obligatory classes = no fun. ps i don't know if i should drop criminal law/no longer be a legal studies minor and i have 24 hours to decide but don't even get to take the class again first. not cool, joe.

dan is my new favorite. we went grocery shopping today, with the intent to actually cook and all! it's nice to have someone else around who is okay with being cheap & anal.

bryan: i need you to teach me how to make a cake on saturday
me: teach you?
bryan: okay, i need you to make me a cake on saturday
i'm good at being a girl.

and the piles of work await...




way to take initiative, kids.


ready, set, go!!

dear blog,

i have sucked at you lately, and i apologize.

oof. so classes have begun. i'm rockin' 18 credits right now & am unsure about accepting an internship which would lead to my dropping criminal law. i'm thinking about axing my legal studies minor and picking up the writing minor. this is, after all, more in tune with what i actually want to do with my life. ay, crazy senior year, making me think such thoughts...

i've been feeling in a weird place socially. it's bizarre to have everyone back, not really feeling like we've been apart, but knowing that so many of my kin have spent the last few months looking out on different horizons. it's good to see their faces again, but is odd to think that it will only last a few months more...

chronic overachiever is slowly awakening from her slumber. i was all psha, nevermind ictv, and now suddenly have 4 auditions. kids, i have a problem.

oh, and there's a boy =0 it feels odd to 'blog' about as i like to keep this thing relatively teehee not make-you-wanna-choke. it also feels weird to even say. weird but good... kinda like life, as well as some children's cereals.


classes start when?!

oof. i've been called into work the last 2 days. i generally don't know what day it is, or what's going on, and yet i'm expected to be an academic in a matter of days. hence the oof.

kim is coming back tomorrow!! ay, i'm excited. no matter what happens, kim is my girl... and i needs me some girls, ha.

and news-

ahh, excitinggg


the boys are back in town

and by nightfall, each of my boys returned. wow. now that's a whole lotta boy. this is going to be an interesting semester.

& in other news...

-quit the job at michael's and managed to not be killed/vomit. both pluses, no?
- recieved contact from cortney in the form of CJBukes: You're pretty
CJBukes: Don't do anything dumb because you're so pretty
-finished a successful summer internship at project look sharp
-got offered an editorial internship with ic quarterly
-killed a man in reno
-the hot guy from the club called me X2

such is life on this warm august night. oh, and i'm fat.
(thanks guys, eternally)

and as promised, of course, pictures (or at least one picture with a link to more) from sir michael's birthday extravaganza...

what's birthdays are grossss...


ya gotta keep on truckin' alright

and so my time at home draws to an early morning close...

this evening, i went to a scavenger hunt at joe's house with meghan. it's always interesting when worlds collide, but i think everyone got along well. we did an awesome job, but alas, came in second. this is another instance in which i swear that pics shall follow. i lost my connector cable somewhere inexplicable, and so i've gotta work on that. it was awesome to get to see cortney & john, but sad to say goodbye to meghan. she's gonna be headed to florida until january so i won't see her for monnnths. boo. let's hope it all works out for the best.

in the meantime, i'm headed back to ithaca in oh, 5 hours or so. everyone should be sauntering back soon, so that will be amusing... ha, i hope.

dios mio... i must sleep


so what if i sometimes have an accent?

and so i'm home. this time, there are actual plans in place, and i feel rushed. oof.

after working a bajillion days in a row, it's rather nice to not be at michael's and to see "home" again. i have to quit when i get back though, and this i'm not looking fwd to/afraid of. boo.

well, last night, meghan and i went to webster hall. so much more fun that i could have anticipated. granted, i love dancing, but this was fabulous. we got in for free thanks to good ol' ladies night, and didn't get home until sunrise. 2 signs of a good night alright. let us also not forget the positively gorgeous guy i got to dance with. ohhh being single. ha.

tomorrow we'll be back into the city again for mike's 21st bday. rest assured, pics are to follow. more later, i'm lamely tired...

and in the meantime, the cutest overpriced tshirts that i refrained from buying today: up-towngirl.com

and finally a toothpaste that made me smile. it's been too long...


your favorite mistake?

mars or bust
what a great name for an op-ed on space.

coming home for a few days tomorrow night.
