
ya gotta keep on truckin' alright

and so my time at home draws to an early morning close...

this evening, i went to a scavenger hunt at joe's house with meghan. it's always interesting when worlds collide, but i think everyone got along well. we did an awesome job, but alas, came in second. this is another instance in which i swear that pics shall follow. i lost my connector cable somewhere inexplicable, and so i've gotta work on that. it was awesome to get to see cortney & john, but sad to say goodbye to meghan. she's gonna be headed to florida until january so i won't see her for monnnths. boo. let's hope it all works out for the best.

in the meantime, i'm headed back to ithaca in oh, 5 hours or so. everyone should be sauntering back soon, so that will be amusing... ha, i hope.

dios mio... i must sleep


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