
so what if i sometimes have an accent?

and so i'm home. this time, there are actual plans in place, and i feel rushed. oof.

after working a bajillion days in a row, it's rather nice to not be at michael's and to see "home" again. i have to quit when i get back though, and this i'm not looking fwd to/afraid of. boo.

well, last night, meghan and i went to webster hall. so much more fun that i could have anticipated. granted, i love dancing, but this was fabulous. we got in for free thanks to good ol' ladies night, and didn't get home until sunrise. 2 signs of a good night alright. let us also not forget the positively gorgeous guy i got to dance with. ohhh being single. ha.

tomorrow we'll be back into the city again for mike's 21st bday. rest assured, pics are to follow. more later, i'm lamely tired...

and in the meantime, the cutest overpriced tshirts that i refrained from buying today: up-towngirl.com

and finally a toothpaste that made me smile. it's been too long...


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