
singndrain310: i'm a fruitcake

oof, so i've been quite busy with this whole beginning of the semester jazz. i'm taking 18 credits, still doing 30 min, have signed on to be a copy editor for the paper, & will continue to pretend to write for buzzsaw. there have been lots of meetings to attend & such. i've been doing well though, not going to bed at 4. it's a whole new world when u don't feel more like ur about to pass out with every step. so yay, that's the update with me.

earlier today, i was talking with one of my many gals named em about $ & studying abroad and such. children are like leeches that you allow, she said. i thought that was awesome, cuz how true is that? i feel habitually guilty for most actions i take which involve monetary means, but alas, my parents elected to have this burden... i mean, i suppose i shouldn't think of myself as such, but ya know. those of us who are cheap, will always be cheap. we were talking about london. ay... such the expense. i'd love to live over there for a smidge, but alas, i be po'. if only there were another summer to rack in the dough before the abroad excursions begin. ha, & if only i weren't tempted by nearly every opportunity which presents itself.

i dont have many boys to stare at in my classes. what's with c&c being a hardcore girly major? my writing class, which actually has the most boys, also seems to hate me. i mean, to be fair, i did kind of insult them all in one sweep, but ehh, what can ya do. personal essay kids, let's get personal. i dont think accusing ppl of lying to themselves is the worst thing one could ever do to another. oh bother.

his parents are worried about him- he's 24, & he's not even engaged yet! -beth
ohhh the future. ha, let us chuckle while we can.

the following quiz is dedicated to cortney. i took out the graphic though, for the sake of the children.
Take the quiz: "What do your anime breasts look like, eh?"

Nicely Medium
You're nicely medium... You're not embarassingly small or painfully big. Don't change yourself, unless you're a masochist. Then it's okay, I guess.


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