
ok, i'm stealing jeff's away message for my QOD, so if it's wrong, ehh:
Owen: "I'm making Sheppard's Pie tomorrow night, is that ok?"
Kiehl: "I don't eat meat, man. That's got beef all in it."
Owen: "Yo, dick! Eat the mashed potatoes on top."

i dunno, i like sheppard's pie, & owen's just damn violent

so yesterday was a good day. we had our first taping for "30 minutes". it was such a good show, if nothing else i get a chance to laugh heartily when i'm with those folks. the other girl & i (yes, there actually is one), courtney, had this amazing sketch highlighting the fact that we were the only chicks. it was full of sexism, so hey, right up my alley since i suck at being a girl. courtney's def a cool gal, she told me that she was glad i was on the show cuz "i wasn't a girly girl". score, i was charmed. anyway, it airs tomorrow (tonight) at 10:30 on channel 16 kiddies... and it's got pizza time! tune in yo. it's a good time.

random fact: In 1954, Trix breakfast cereal was introduced by General Mills. The new cereal, a huge hit with kids, was 46.6 percent sugar.
yikes. that makes moms happy alright.

i think i actually engaged in a conversation about politics today... *shock* & from a politics major! i've also been reading so much stuff on law that my head might just explode. my family does think i'm gonna be a lawyer... don't they realize i'm not jewish. OH! i can still make good brownies though.

Imagination is not a talent of some men, but is the health of every man.--Ralph Waldo Emerson

also yesterday- bees were totally attacking me as i walked to park. i first noticed one hovering about some guy, then i looked down & BAM! there was one all up on my bag. so i'm walking & swatting & shifting all about. yeah. guaranteed no one else noticed the bees. i was the psycho alright. awesome. then today one was perched precariously on the sill at lunch. emily was freaked alright. *shakes a fist* fie on u bees, it's autumn now, i say!

i wish i had a rack-kate. ok, technically after a slight pause she said "for towels", but ehh, i told her i'd quote her out of context for kicks

yeah! time to write about nature! ow ow!


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