
gay ppl can theoretically touch me -ben

ha, so who has class in friends 210? such is the stir of the evening...

awh, EV, thank u =) ur a good friend. being a pal isn't just about physical presence, u know. i'm sorry for accusing everyone of being haters & what not. i'm just used to being cheery so when i feel bad i feel even worse, if that makes any sense. as the golden girls preach, thank u for bein' a friend. abby, kim, u guys rock too! for you folks, i am truly thankful, don't ever doubt that.

*awh, that was a girly moment*

ha, ok. so today had some cool elements. i had to read aloud a piece i had written to my writing class today. i mumbled to the guy next to me that argh, i knew i was gonna get picked cuz i didn't really like my piece. we were supposed to go to a place of nature over the wked, but i didn't do it. i just tried to remember when i went to the park a wk or 2 wks ago or whatever. well i wrote it in one shot, took a much needed/desired nap, edited it slightly & printed it out cuz hey, i hadda get to class. when i finished reading it this one guy said wow & my teacher was all that was excellent writing! ppl said such nice things. i was like awh, i really needed that *tear tear* so then we go to leave & the dude says to me, "so... why didn't u like that? you're a really good writer." score! the written word shant betray me. i was proud.

we had a tech run for 30 minutes. man do i love funny people. good times.

ha, so abby informed me that their going to be auctioning off dates as a fundraiser for the red cross. she wants me to go up for auction. *shakes head* man oh man... ha, we'll see about that. she says i'd bring in the money ;)

ok ladies, here's a make u feel hot quiz. ha, ow ow!
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(ha, but no tongue ring.)


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