
i'm going slightly mad -queen

i should really just be on drugs. everything would make so much more sense if i were on drugs. i have been so weird lately. yesterday i decided that no one liked me & yelled it in their faces after the fancy dinner we more or less crashed. but then abby & i made kool aid. they said this wasn't true. i think kate was really taking offense to it, then i kinda felt bad cuz i was half joking-half sincere in the notion. abby & i got left behind 3 times though. there was a reason for this madness... ha, well... in the beginning. i don't even know...oof, i'm sorry for that.

fortress party. one heck of a fortress. finally saw 'the goonies'... ehh, not so much. then we watched 'a goofy movie'. man do i love that movie. jules burnt the popcorn... bad. silly julie.

i'm gonna write myself motivational post it notes. i need to stop being so strange & thinking ppl r taking off my door holes & stuff. like i said, i should just be on drugs. this would have all at least had an excuse for being nonsensical if i was on zee drugs.

maybe it's the lack of sleep :/


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