
ya know the nazis had pieces of flair that they made the jews wear- the almighty peter gibbins. yep, i watched office space today. joy of joys

i really didn't do anything constructive with my time today. i was supposed to hang out with sarah & friends but i got up late & felt completely unmotivated to move. i made kyle a sandwich though, that should count for something. he likes cream cheese & ham... what *is* that?

kala: but i mean, he totally digs me - he throws twigs and pretxels at my face
me: nature and snack food
me: shit man
kala: nothing says i am sweating you like a hard whip of cheese crunchies at someone's face
she looks asian when she cries yo. true dat

am in the only one who doesn't find the summer to b that exciting? i mean don't get me wrong, having time off is cool, but work is a bitch. it's almost july now... hurrah hurrah. i dunno, i'm just not feelin' it i suppose. i go through phases. one time i made a little book about the phases of summer. i dunno, i was always big on categorizing why things were as they were i suppose. perhaps i can dig it up & share some of that 14 yr old enlightenment with u fine folks.

k, there's not much to share so let's get to the quiz...

Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange
darkness and sadness lurk about you.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla


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