
are we there yet?

okay. june is starting. the sun is shining... but *are we* there yet? my internship starts on thursday, and everyone seems really psyched for me. thanks, folks! i'm so pleased to know that so many ppl on campus (at least who i talk to) seem to actually give a crap about media literacy.

tomorrow, i'll sadly scour the mall in hopes of finding employment... and surely want to hang myself throughout the process. good goddd. where is this magical job which should fall upon my lap, eh? puh.

i rode my bike down to the library today. note to all- holding a book while riding up hill doesn't work out so well. the book is the five people you meet in heaven. anyone read it?

ps i feel like my room still looks starkly girly... even if my closet is pastel free.
pps toothpaste is still sucking
ppps i don't know either


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the 5 people you meet in heaven= amazing book. some girl i worked with had it, and i was bored one day (we read books when we were bored..i'm telling you, jewelry stores in summer are AWESOME). anyway, i tookit cause it seemed like an easy, time-consuming read, and it was *infinitely* better than i expected. so. yeah. youve probably read it by now, but thats fine.

the end. :) oh yeah, this is lola.

6/03/2005 11:27 PM  

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