
today, in short

a mixed bag indeed.

+ got to go to the drive in before i leave
- last time i'll get to hang out with meghan, smarcus & rach before i leave

+ found out i got a bigger scholarship than last year
- i'll still need a bajillion dollars in loans

+ my camera came back to me & was actually repaired this time
- my bike is busted

+ found some jobs i could apply for online
- i still have no idea how the hell i'm swinging this

+ discovered pictures from dc on my camera that i didn't remember even taking
- made me remembered that i could have still been there if i had gotten that scholarship earlier

i feel like that was a poor little rich girl's rant, only i'm not rich. don't get me wrong, i'm thankful for everything and everyone that i have... but ay, i'm far from stress free. my parents are out in the middle of the ocean and i don't know when i'll be setting my feet in ithaca. let's also acknowledge that i'm blogging at 4:30AM.

oh well, at least i'm not michael jackson, eh?

you're damn right i'm not.


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