
beyond intensity

mtv may have a lot of sparkling crap going on, but their true life documentaries tend to go above that graphically enhanced bar. earlier tonight i watched "true life: i'm back from iraq." 3 guys, 3 stories, 3 more reasons to think. definitely catch it if it's on. it's worth your watching.

anchor. the word anchor is in my mind.

too much free time. i mean, i'm working and i'm interning and all that jazz, but there's something missing. perhaps its the inability to have senseless, sorry for the generalization, girly conversations. perhaps today's society has left me overstimulated, which is kind of funny... considering all i ever seem to crave are the simple things.

...and teleportation. i definitely still want that.

Something's missing
And I don't know how to fix it

Something's missing
And I don't know what it is

No I don't know what it is

looks like i'm a times junkie alright

how can i not link to a piece about journalistic freedom and references great inspirational figures?

& something disturbing you probably never stopped to even consider


well, i was officially promoted today. yay? this accompanied an actual call back from a restaurant in the commons, although an offer i could not accept at this point in time. le sigh. i gots me a raise, but also 8 bajillion pieces of scribbled upon paper to try and jog my front end supervisor lobe. egads.

alright, i just left for a half hour and came back, but you didn't feel it. now you know what it feels like to be visited by a ghost, i guess.


and now i just don't wanna

a sticky tragedy

yeah, so i had some thought, but now ehh, i lack the motivation. did a lot of copy editing today for pls. the middle east project is being put out for review on thursday and it's got my name on it, baby.

almost bought a toaster today for under 7 bux. that's mildy exciting, no? it was at walmart though, so i refused. hooray for private protests... and non toasted bread.

oh, & before i forget- 1, 2, 3, GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
but other than that, everything's fine.

...Like sprinting on a frozen pond I took my chances...


summa summaaaa

i'm single. it's summer. ppl need to know. -eve

being 'away' for the summer is weird. i really am digging the internship. i like that it's laid back, and i love that the work i'm doing is going to help a lot of kids better understand the world around them. it's hard though, being in a place you don't associate with summer.

ithaca is lovely, and nothing is wrong. i mean, i loathe that i'm working at a crafts store yet again, but i feel that either god is a terrific joker or just really doesn't fancy me. (the vote's still out on that one.)

i don't want to be at home babysitting, but i would like to see checks for $350 instead of $90. i don't mind hanging out with the boys, but it would be lovely to see my girls as well.

i talked to meg whom i worked with at rags today. she was trying to convince me to come home and work at a camp with her. in truth, i'd totally love to be working at a camp instead of stupid ol' michaels. but this is life kids. i made a commmitment, and i will honor that. i just wish that i could stumble upon a nice heaving pot of inspiration.

le sigh. i feel as if decision making is even more multifaceted than the latest hair color.


it's a jump to conclusions map...

so what's an ingenius way to whip up $28 grand?



ovaries for sale

when i saw "garden state" in the theatre, i wasn't too thrilled. perhaps because everyone was all OMG THIS MOVIE CHANGED MY LIFE!!1! & i was merely like, hooray, a trip to the cinema.

anyway, i watched it today, and i had that damn tear-in-your-eye at the end. movies that make me cry = movies i like. so i guess i like it now, but i'm still not about to hop on the omg praise train justsoyaknow.

back to work tomorrow... not like it shows that i'm getting bored or anything. meh.

ohhh lou bega... le sigh


keep onnn buzzin'...

official press release time:
The Independent Press Association Announces Campus Independent Journalism Award Winners

The Campus Independent Journalism Awards rewards excellence in socially engaged journalism on campuses. It recognizes the contributions of student publishers and journalists to free thought within their campus communities.

The Campus Journalism Project (CJP) is a national network of progressive campus publications and journalists, founded to serve the thousands of students who are making social change through media. We provide training, information, and support to grassroots college publications and journalists. Our programs also help papers share resources and expertise, combine forces to increase their influence, and promote their work to a larger audience.

Best Independent Campus Publication of the Year with a Budget under $10,000
Buzzsaw Haircut (Ithaca College)

This creatively designed news magazine offers an impressive blend of national and community-centered reporting. Always based in a foundation of well-researched investigative reporting, Buzzsaw Haircut¹s inventive articles bring political questions to their readers in surprising and sophisticated terms. With their blend of irreverence and hard-hitting journalism, Buzzsaw Haircut manages to maintain high editorial standards without compromising a certain raw-edged sensibility.

woo woo! 'tis a step up from best sense of humor alright. congrats to us and all =)

because i have nothing of my own to say...


on your bday, i'll give you the blog spotlight... because i just decided that i can make up something that lame and have it be okay today.

LaLunaLnda: you could've called in some dozen character witnesses to prove you're not sugar-spice-everything-nice
LaLunaLnda: you're more like....peppermint patties. yes, they're nice and tasty, but if you eat too many at once it feels like burning.

and a little later...
LaLunaLnda: I found a card for you and I today
LaLunaLnda: it had two girls in frilly dresses and boots and said "how can men NOT be intimidated by us?"

ha, ayyy

wow, someone took the time to make this.


infernal communications


the apt is being painted today. i was outside for a while earlier, chatting with meghan and such, but even then? cell phone on hand. when did it start that one constantly requires a connection?

now i'm in the computer lab. what's that? no AIM on this computer? BAM!


ay, so i was forced to get up at 7:30 this morning. hottt. i'm at a loss of activity currently. man, i hate being that girl. ya know her, looking to folks for entertainment. i just feel restless.

oh, so i have been realizing that i've been sucking at informing folks on who the hell i've been referring to. back in the day, i'd explain who ppl were and how i knew them. ehh, are we seeing a need? ha, despite my boredom, i'm not currently motivated on that one.

funny how i should begin talking about the need for constant communication, and yet i'm currently denying my fair public that very opportunity, no?
yeah that's right. that's how i roll.


i'd ask who it belongs to, bitches

all is well on the homefront. the magic playing homefront. there are high school students in my apartment right now, playing magic.
whoahhh buddy. whoah.

rape trap?

These reeling emotions they just keep me alive
They keep me in tune
Oh, look what I‘m holding here in my fire
...T h i s i s f o r y o u


gotta love anne taintor

well looky here..

autopsy on the schiavo tragedy
"There is no evidence that Ms. Schiavo's husband did any of the awful things attributed to him, and no hope that her greatly damaged brain would ever have recovered."

here's another article, also from the times.
well that's a kick in the pants, no?

sometimes, it's so interesting to just take a step back from the goings on of the world and say, "hmm... now that was interesting."


news, baby

mmm girl, no she di'nt!
"I disliked it intensely when she snapped her fingers at us," one female juror said. "I thought, 'Don't snap your fingers at me, lady.'"
& so uncle micjac can frolic once more... that's such a badass nickname, no?

another quote i fancy...
"Do little boys and girls out there know how to spell "spite"? For those who don't, the House Republicans who voted last week to gut federal support of public broadcasting..."
the quote only though, not the concept

oh, & riding one's bike in a thunderstorm after treking up a hill and now bearing see through clothing... yesss


when i said it on tv, i meant it

dear mom,
thank you for instilling in me a completely irrational yet nonetheless terrifying fear of spiders. they are different than other bugs and all, with their extra 2 legs and creepy disposition. i'm sure i'll enjoy clutching onto my trusty bug spray for the duration of my stay in my new apartment.
always twitching,

early tuesday, 2AM: a rustling from the corner of my eye. i look down to spy a spider darting across the camoflauge of a brown and gray carpet.
2:05 i unsuccessfully throw my caboodle at it. even the johnny k sticker on its bottom can't help me now.
2:08 i contemplate waking the boys... marc is sick and has work in a few hours, zach has class and has trouble sleeping as it is.
2:10 i contemplate getting a shoe, but realize that no sweat shop flip flop can take on this job.
2:11 i remember the bug spray in the kitchen
2:12 i whine to myself, tiptoeing about, recognizing the ludicrous behavior i am exhibiting, and yet i'm completely unable to stop it.
2:15 i finally resolve that if i leave the room quickly enough, it will still be there when i return. i dart to the kitchen, and successfully return with both the spray and an opaque plastic cup
2:16 i move my desk chair just above where the spider lies. if it darts, i don't want it to touch me. hold about 12" from surface being sprayed, says the trusty red can
2:17 i take aim, finger trembling at the trigger. i want to turn away, but no, it's too dangerous. one slip up and he could get away, free to lurk in the shadows of the night. suddenly i squeeze. rushes of repellent shoot from the little red can. forceful and ridden with poisons they fall upon my now helpless aquantance. i cover him with the plastic cup as to spare him the humiliation of recoiling in shame before my eyes.

and so it is morning. alisson has come to visit and we're enjoying some lovely pancakes while discussing religion, feminism and various other fabulous brunch subjects.
enter bryan, jumping through the back door and strolling over to our modest table. he wears girl's jeans and flips his hair relentlessly, but still i ask. bryan, can you try and do something manly for me? i ask out of both sexism and desperation.

alisson and i guide him to the scene of the crime. he eagerly lifts the cup to find that the intruder has indeed passed in the night. he reaches down and tosses him playfully from side to side.

suddenly, the spider is in bryan's palm. i attempt to retreat to the bathroom, spying the eyes of a mad man. bryan anticipates this move, however, and lunges for the door, storming in behind me. there is no light, and there are no sounds other than my screaming as bryan pretends to have thrown the spider in my hair. alisson tries to get in, yelling for him to stop but i am pressed against the door, flailing about relentlessly as bryan cackles above me.

3 things:
-i will be doing extensive vacuuming tomorrow
-raid bug killer is my bitch tonight, kids.
-and as for bryan? he's simply a bitch.


so uh, dwight, where can i get some coke?

a fun little op-ed piece from mr. ted koppel.
Take My Privacy, Please!
as if the idea of onstar wasn't already a bit creepy...

"On June 13, 1966, the Supreme Court issued its landmark Miranda vs. Arizona decision, ruling that criminal suspects must be informed of their constitutional rights prior to questioning by police."
why thank you for that tidbit, ny times!



so it's not updated daily, but with toothpaste sucking it hard and all, i found another cartoon site which is "so fetch"



tired? LAME

xWildFairyx: oh i miss you dana
xWildFairyx: you're one of the only people that liked to dance and stuff at IC
xWildFairyx: dont ever leave

live.it.up. in nyc "aiight"

the five ppl you meet in heaven
? ehh. an easy read, but i wouldn't really recommend it. good for a day in the park, i suppose.
next up: still life with woodpecker -tom robbins. a recommendation from the marc. i looked it up on amazon, and one reviewer said, "There are books out there that exercise the higher centres of the brain more than this one, but fewer books are so mollifying to the glands." interesting. i suppose we shall see kiddies...

i am so lamely tired. i got up at 7 after maybe 5 hours of sleep to go to work, came home and was all dude, i'm so not tired. yeah, then i took a nap for the first time in forever, and it was one of those fuck you over naps. how does sleeping make one more tired? i know, i know, sleep cycles rah rah rah. but seriously now, seriously.

oh look- here's where i try to prove i have friends who say funny things, often about yours truly, and post them in my blog for pseudo publicity!
LolaAnn816: haha you and i..you have to be strong to handle what comes out of our mouths
LolaAnn816: cause we're the poster children for take-no-prisoners dialogue

"brutal honesty," "blunt humor"... i value honesty, but sometimes i feel like a monster.

ps i have off until wednesday, so let's be fun.


so, what has everybody been up to? what's the cool jams?

those are benchwarmer's boobs! -ram encourages me that i have the proper bustage to gain employment... although i may need to dye my hair blonde, since hey, all the waitresses seem to be cute blonds.

bahhhhh HOT


maybe we should burn the house down

i got a job. can you guess where?

don't hurt yourself too hard now.

michaels. sweet jesus, another craft store. i'm barely making more than i did when i started at rags, and the commute is no fun. i'm gonna check out the commons tomorrow and see if the bottom of the hill has anything to offer. anyone know of any place that's hiring?


went to the pool today, that was enjoyable. i saw a professor there.
i love seeing teachers out of school, it's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs

i was given a hardcore project at the internship. i like the internship.
i wish the internship liked to give me money, though.


a little feminist anecdote

Dispatches From a Teenage Feminist...

I want to be who I am, big or small, editor-in-chief or head cheerleader, point guard or math geek, and I want to make it so that when my daughter goes to high school and says she's a feminist, everyone in the school, from the kids smoking in the parking lot to the principal, just yawns and says, yeah, who isn't?

good to know

the stace and i are both dwelling with a bunch 'o' boys.

her insight:
it's like, freshman year you work out who brings out the garbage. this year you work out the butt-grabbing policy


credit cards will always be bad news, joe

and so today, the internship began. what did i do? a whole lot of copy editing. my boss is so softspoken and somewhat dazed, and there are barely even any people working there. there's a fabulous laptop which makes my insides yearn for my very own, and i'll even get keys. yeah that's right bitches, keys to an academic building. now tell me that isn't everything you've ever dreamed of...

last night, i "chilled" with ram. i was so excited to learn that another friend was in ithaca, because ithaca, you're a-ok. i got rug burn on my knees, does that sound sketchy enough for you?

i'm using a lot of you in this, and perhaps you don't agree with me, in which case i don't feel like apologizing.

so it's marc, zach, and myself in the apt currently. aside from kristin who is across town, it seems like everyone i know around here is a dude.

yesterday was my first bus adventure. things went fairly well, even with the old ladies harassing the driver about his missing the ever-so-important stop at kmart. as of today, i've got 9 applications out, count it! we'll see who feels like hiring me *fingers crossed*

so yeah, now you've reached the bottom of this entry and you're like okay, so uh, what was in this for me?

a swift kick in the FACE.


are we there yet?

okay. june is starting. the sun is shining... but *are we* there yet? my internship starts on thursday, and everyone seems really psyched for me. thanks, folks! i'm so pleased to know that so many ppl on campus (at least who i talk to) seem to actually give a crap about media literacy.

tomorrow, i'll sadly scour the mall in hopes of finding employment... and surely want to hang myself throughout the process. good goddd. where is this magical job which should fall upon my lap, eh? puh.

i rode my bike down to the library today. note to all- holding a book while riding up hill doesn't work out so well. the book is the five people you meet in heaven. anyone read it?

ps i feel like my room still looks starkly girly... even if my closet is pastel free.
pps toothpaste is still sucking
ppps i don't know either