
i'd ask who it belongs to, bitches

all is well on the homefront. the magic playing homefront. there are high school students in my apartment right now, playing magic.
whoahhh buddy. whoah.

rape trap?

These reeling emotions they just keep me alive
They keep me in tune
Oh, look what I‘m holding here in my fire
...T h i s i s f o r y o u


Anonymous Anonymous said...

greetings. in response to your post...free money makes me happy, so when i'm all set to open up that ING account, you'll be my knight in shining armor.

also, rape trappy thingy was interesting, but i cant help thinking what happens when a) it pinched its wearer or b) some dumb girl accidentally leaves it in, and then gets it on with her boyfriend. that sucks.

thats it, i'm done now, have a lovely evening, i shall talk to you later, gooodbye.

oh yeah Jacque Smith turned up in my summer chem class, which makes me happy, and she asked how you were doing. *shrug*

6/20/2005 10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in regards to your IM's this morning:

isn't it wonderful to start your day with a completely and totally awkward social situation that has the ability to haunt you for years?

yay college!


6/21/2005 10:36 AM  

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