
goin' digital?

i feel like a technology inept mom on this one. digital cameras, what's the deal?

i kinda want one, but have yet to be fully convinced. for those of you who do, i would love for your input on some questions:
-what kind do you have? do you like it?
-do you have a memory card for it? how many mbs? should i get one?
-how do you go about getting tangible pictures?

i'm thinking about getting one of these, bearing in mind that i'm cheap, but still want something of quality. the more expensive model has optical zoom whereas the other does not. they seem fairly similiar, overall. thoughts? comments? suggestions?

help mom out yo.

basically, i feel as if i would be more prone to take pics if i had one, but would like the assurance that i can still attain quality tangible pictures. i have a good camera as is, but i dunno man, these are alluring, no?


here's hoping that everyone's christmas went well... even you, jeff goldblum.

yeah, i know he's jewish( but *shhh* he celebrates in his basement.)


inquiring minds (aka this girl) want to know- asap -so don't be shy kids.


dude, technology is a stickler alright. sorry perugino, but the jig may be up. poor guy can't even offer an explanation, ay.

sooo remember that time when wilcox said he didn't give out As? BOO YAH! yes. i may be gloating just a little, but i am rather pleased with myself on this one, kids. (hooray!)
here's hoping that the grades floating in are most merry in nature.

alright, educate yourselves on the season:
Christmas Pasts and Presents -NY Times


do you have ID?

today i went to the liquor store. i bought a bottle. it's for grandma. HA! yeah gift giving.

got alllll my shopping done today. aiesh. i'm looking forward to getting some new spiffy duds for the internship, but not so much lovin' the price tag. bahhh money.

so part deux or sept or whatever it was of my bday was mucho awesome. went to smarc dawg & rach's uncle's bar in the cit-ay. cat & meghan got me a lovely pink cowgirl hat (equipped with a tiara) and a sash which read 'birthday girl.' list of ways to get a lot of attention from older guys you don't know? *DING DING DING* ha. we did some karaoke, spice girls of course, and their cousin's best friend licked my stomach. now that's a bday alright. i feel as if the bar has been heightened intensely for bdays now... and am wondering how i will swing them when the time comes with being in dc and all. ay, we'll worry about that when the time comes i suppose, but for now, 21 was a most excellent bday.

i've had kelly clarkson in my head all day, and yet i've only heard this song about 3 times ever. what up with that kell-kell?
But since you've been gone
I can breathe for the first time
Im so movin on
Yeah yeah
Thanks to you
Now I get
I get what I want
Since you've been gone

yeah, clarkson & i are tight alright.

i'm sorry, this entry lacks excitement. i wanted to update, yet it's all so woo woo about me not anything fun & exciting. well, unless you're stalking me, in which case most of what i do is absolutely tantalizing that is. oh bother.

well, here's a picture of me and rachel circa de 2AM the last night at school. thus making her not the rachel i just talked about, but the rachel i may never see again rachel. ohhhhh seniors *tear*

alright, happy holiday making kiddies.


happy birthday to me...

first off, let's get out there that it's not the 'oh man i'm legal now so i'm drunk' in me talking. because yes, i am legal now. but no, i am not drunk. i did not go out to some bar to sit around with strangers this evening, i spent it with some of the greatest ppl at ic.

i love my friends sooo much. i'm not the kind of person to say i miss you, or to get dependent on having folks around, or hell, to even say that i love my friends sooo much. but let it be known that i feel so truly lucky to have so many amazing ppl in my life.

pretty much everyone i was afraid i wouldn't get to say goodbye to appeared tonight. in a matter of weeks, i will have friends on every continent but antarctica. that alone is amazing.

so much love. so much. i'm glad to have you all in my life. and thank you for filling my birthday with warmth. best of luck next semester to everyone whereever you may be! and of course, a safe trip home & happy holiday to all =)

you rock my world kids. and THAT is a true story.

And with a tear in my eye
Give me the sweetest goodbye
That I ever did receive


so i'm thinking about making a new holiday. hmm... yeah, i'm leaning towards calling it christmas.

any thoughts?


december 12th was mayim bialik's bday. now who remembers THAT sweet ass, ehhh?

ehhh? ;)

yeah, that's right.


so i have 7 finals. wtf mate? midterms & finals are the only times in which having 18 credits bites my ass. gah. i have yet to decide if i really do have an overwhelming amount of work to do, or if this is completely manageable. i have something to take on every day of the week & more. oof.

friday brought some pre-birthday birthday fun, which was lovely. kat & jameson constructed a dc survival kit for me, including dinosaur mac & cheese, eye drops, and more. karl gave me a book called 'funny letters from famous ppl.' it was a jolly good time. and ANNOUNCEMENT: thursday at midnight we are going outtttt as i will officially being legaaaaaal. if you will not be here for my actual bday on friday, you should join us. who us is yet, i'm not entirely sure, but it will undoubtably be lovely.

alright, back to examining the culture the bratz dolls create for tweens.
those damn Bratz turns them into HOESSSS. first the dolls, then the clunky plastic platforms, then the fake cellphone and they want a real one,then they want to fuck on the hood of the Bratz convertable -kala

best of luck with finals all.


look out! emotions on the forefront!

i'm tired of thinking about the size of my ass!
-oh how i love jodi

so it's official, i will be spending my spring semester in DC working for The Feminist Majority. life is really quite amusing. when i entered college, i would joke that i was the antifeminist and that girls sucked. yeah that's right kids, if you didn't know me before this year, this is the absolute truth. exposure to a lot of awesome women this semester really played an integral part in my fight for the cause. from awesome profs like jodi, to inspirational guest speakers like judith helfand, to motivating friends like kim and kat and kristin and molly and alisson and becca... and basically, just a whole lotta intelligent and amazing women who showed me that being a feminist does not mean you are a feminazi. to each of you, you do not know the impact which you have had, and i am so thankful for having you in my life.

as jodi says, if you believe that men and women should get paid the same for the same job, then you are a feminist. you can still shave your legs.
i am truly looking forward to working in the activist environment. so often, life seems to be about compromise, but my beliefs are something which i hold dear. my writing professor feels that we are our politics, and with this, i would have to agree. if you don't believe in something, then what is there to believe in you? i hope that all of you find something to hold onto and brighten your days. it's not easy to say i am going to be an activist, i am going to fight. a lot of ppl think you're crazy. i've encountered so many questions and yet this is only an internship opportunity, a fair cry from a rest of your life decision.
basically, the 'blue skies are within your reach' moral of the story is to hold true, kids. there is more to life than the dollas, and i'm not saying that everyone needs to commit to activism or anything like that. what i am saying, is to find your passion. find your passion and fuel it with your soul.

Although I'm young, I'm not naive
~I am not easy to deceive~


i haven't posted a quiz in a while, so thank you procrastination!


What herb are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

catnip... you heard it here first kids.


in my email...

Always wanted to date a lonely housewife?

Well this is your chance. Thousands of lonely housewifes are
waiting for you at Cheating Housewife Personals.

so uh, what do you think? should i go for it?

ohhhhh spam!


i'm not racist. first of all, i like jazz. -fred. ha, that man is insane

awh, marie said i'm bright, articulate and insightful. that's so sweet considering that i had thought she found me to be the class distractor dumb ass sort of kid. hooray! i got nominated to take this awesome application only telecommunications class, but alas, i won't be here in the spring. le sigh.

so much, yet so little... so long, yet so short
this semester is drawing to a close kids. and i am so glad that it happened.


sarah's info keeps it real:

that's right... put up or shut up; i'm not gonna compromise who i am for anyone.



"What It feels Like For A Girl"

Girls can wear jeans
And cut their hair short
Wear shirts and boots
'Cause it's OK to be a boy
But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading
'Cause you think that being a girl is degrading
But secretly you'd love to know what it's like
Wouldn't you
What it feels like for a girl

Silky smooth
Lips as sweet as candy, baby
Tight blue jeans
Skin that shows in patches

Strong inside but you don't know it
Good little girls they never show it
When you open up your mouth to speak
Could you be a little weak

Do you know what it feels like for a girl
Do you know what it feels like in this world
For a girl

Hair that twirls on finger tips so gently, baby
Hands that rest on jutting hips repenting

Hurt that's not supposed to show
And tears that fall when no one knows
When you're trying hard to be your best
Could you be a little less

Do you know what it feels like for a girl
Do you know what it feels like in this world
What it feels like for a girl
In this world
Do you know
Do you know
Do you know what it feels like for a girl
What it feels like in this world