
happy birthday to me...

first off, let's get out there that it's not the 'oh man i'm legal now so i'm drunk' in me talking. because yes, i am legal now. but no, i am not drunk. i did not go out to some bar to sit around with strangers this evening, i spent it with some of the greatest ppl at ic.

i love my friends sooo much. i'm not the kind of person to say i miss you, or to get dependent on having folks around, or hell, to even say that i love my friends sooo much. but let it be known that i feel so truly lucky to have so many amazing ppl in my life.

pretty much everyone i was afraid i wouldn't get to say goodbye to appeared tonight. in a matter of weeks, i will have friends on every continent but antarctica. that alone is amazing.

so much love. so much. i'm glad to have you all in my life. and thank you for filling my birthday with warmth. best of luck next semester to everyone whereever you may be! and of course, a safe trip home & happy holiday to all =)

you rock my world kids. and THAT is a true story.

And with a tear in my eye
Give me the sweetest goodbye
That I ever did receive


Blogger kalor the destructor said...


12/19/2004 6:06 PM  

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