
look out! emotions on the forefront!

i'm tired of thinking about the size of my ass!
-oh how i love jodi

so it's official, i will be spending my spring semester in DC working for The Feminist Majority. life is really quite amusing. when i entered college, i would joke that i was the antifeminist and that girls sucked. yeah that's right kids, if you didn't know me before this year, this is the absolute truth. exposure to a lot of awesome women this semester really played an integral part in my fight for the cause. from awesome profs like jodi, to inspirational guest speakers like judith helfand, to motivating friends like kim and kat and kristin and molly and alisson and becca... and basically, just a whole lotta intelligent and amazing women who showed me that being a feminist does not mean you are a feminazi. to each of you, you do not know the impact which you have had, and i am so thankful for having you in my life.

as jodi says, if you believe that men and women should get paid the same for the same job, then you are a feminist. you can still shave your legs.
i am truly looking forward to working in the activist environment. so often, life seems to be about compromise, but my beliefs are something which i hold dear. my writing professor feels that we are our politics, and with this, i would have to agree. if you don't believe in something, then what is there to believe in you? i hope that all of you find something to hold onto and brighten your days. it's not easy to say i am going to be an activist, i am going to fight. a lot of ppl think you're crazy. i've encountered so many questions and yet this is only an internship opportunity, a fair cry from a rest of your life decision.
basically, the 'blue skies are within your reach' moral of the story is to hold true, kids. there is more to life than the dollas, and i'm not saying that everyone needs to commit to activism or anything like that. what i am saying, is to find your passion. find your passion and fuel it with your soul.

Although I'm young, I'm not naive
~I am not easy to deceive~


Blogger jota said...

wow my lil dana is growing so fast. cograts on the internship. i'm so proud of you :o) and i agree...find your passion and fuel it with your soul. couldnt have said it better.


12/11/2004 6:20 AM  

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