
something to smile about

well ay, oodles of politcal jive happened today, most notably being the debates of course.

i saw 'the jesus factor' today, & while it was not the best film ever, it had some worthwhile information. there were shots of bush referring to the bible as the 'handbook' we should follow. while i admire those with great faith, as president of a nation first flooded by those who wished to gain *gasp* religious freedom, how can one make such a blanket statement? is he attempting to carry the light of freedom around the world or the light of christ? as the leader of the 'free world,' ya can't do both.

i also went to visit each of the candidate's websites today. having been to WWW.JOHNKERRY.COM numerous times, i figured it was only fair to check out the opposition. by no means am i trying to convey that i am an unbiased judge. if you've ever read my ramblings before then you would know that i am certainly not a bush supporter, but regardless of who you're behind or what you believe- how disgusting is this? bush's site offers a game about kerry's supposed flip-flops. outside of it being a terribly immature thing for a president to be presenting, the cartoon is terribly unflattering to hillary, and the french. ohhh but women and france, who cares about either of those things anyway, right?

finally, the debates. dude, johnny boy did his hw. i think both men were informed, and prepared to defend their policies. i also think that bush has a great charm to him, and that welcoming southern drawl. BUT, as a man who held a perfect debating record, what the hell happened tonight? get flustered much? kerry did not seem nervous. he came off as well composed and intelligent, just as a leader SHOULD be. bush seemed to grow restless near the end, and kept snatching for 30 second blocks to say things like, "he forgot poland!" and "Of course, I know Osama bin Laden attacked us - I know that" with awkward pauses to follow. sorry bushies, but johnny boy brought home the bacon on this one. =)

here is an exerpt from the nytimes which seems to encapsulate things nicely...

"We can change tactics when we need to, but we never change our beliefs," Mr. Bush said.

Mr. Kerry responded by suggesting that Mr. Bush's certainty might hurt him in his as job as president. "It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and you can be wrong," Mr. Kerry said, adding later that "certainty sometimes gets you into trouble."

Mr. Bush responded: "What I won't do is change my core values because of politics or because or pressure," adding: `you can't wilt under pressure."

And Mr. Kerry said yet again that his position on Iraq had been consistent. "I have no intention of wilting. I've never wilted in my life."

thatta boy johnny, grow


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