
insane in the membrane...

oof. so this personal essay class is tearing through my conciousness. i'm sure my prof would be glad to hear it, but meanwhile, my head just keeps swirling with possible bits to write about & what not & ay, it's driving me mad.

my body is all tennis? dancing? why? oh bother. i don't wanna get old(er). i don't really like this 20 thing too much. i liked older teens, but i think this sucks. it's very in the middle. i feel like everyday is just spent waiting for the next to blossum... esp with this whole classes -> degree --> job thing.

Oh, I forgot. I was going to attempt to use capitalization. I read an article about grammar in blogs and felt like a bit of a hypocrite... being a grammar freak and all. I should probably cut back on the '...' as well, but who doesn't love the illusion of suspense now & then?

here's a lame quiz, woo woo! it says make out a lot, & verifies that i'm not a bad ass.
You're a plain white silky bra with a little bow in
the middle, you don't like to take chances and
play it too safe.

What type of bra are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

oh bother...


Blogger kalor the destructor said...

pssssttt- tht is the kind of bra i have on irght now, daner. i've got a malone on my tits! again

9/16/2004 3:52 PM  

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