
today offered up a mixed bag, a mixed bag indeed...
on the plus side, i was one of those 1/3 pepsi bottles to score a song on itunes. nice. cuz ya know, i'm of course currently an addict... to itunes, not pepsi. i'm not a caffeine addict, unlike SOME ppl. hehe

i also had a random streak of motivation, so i finished all my work before 8, & i emailed gwen so i can finally actually declare legal studies as a minor. oh snap. why am i such the law buff? i'm also very much looking forward to the dc meeting cuz wtf i saw no signs & missed the one on tuesday. :/ grr... i was just checking out the application, & oh boy it shall be fun. a resume? sigh, i am not a grown up. who else is interested in dccccc? ha, please dont tell me that ben may be the only one i know planning to go when i am.

i got some bigwords.com stickers in the mail. & hey, stickers are always fun.

but yeah, at the same time, the stir craziness persists. oof. oof indeed. ...and i feel like going to the gym... what is WRONG with me? ha, oy


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