
what the fuck, it just ate my post. aaanyway---

so yeah. i have an addiction to activities. no no no, it isn't enough that i'm already involved with 3 productions & writing for a magazine... i'm also organizing a volleyball team with jazmin & auditioning for ic unbound on sunday. why do i do this?

is somebody gonna whip it out? spike lee
so oh hey, that brotha came to "hickaca" this evening. 4 bloody hours of waiting to see him yo, & i must confess, i'm not too familiar with the guy. it was amusing, though nothing he said struck me as particularly brilliant or new. he totally trashed "cold mountain" and the sox. water is wet. fire is hot. red socks havent won since 1918 he declared. it was funny cuz 85% of ithaca's .007% minority population was rockin' the front row. i was in the 4th i think... so yeah, i can tell u that he doesnt spit or smell too bad. he has orange & yellow frames to his glasses. that's kinda fun. lucky for him, they matched with his orange sweater. way to go, spike. ya don't wanna have a name like spike & not be matchin', that's for damn sure. he seems very 'real', but then again, he's friggin' spike lee. perhaps the most awesome moment was when someone questioned how he felt about ic not celebrating dr king's holiday. he inquired as to what the president of the school thought about it. & where was good ol' peg? BAM! she peaced. everyone went hs caf style & was all ooooooh... oh peggy, first no eyebrows, then no love? what up

michelle came home!!! =) god bless her yo

oy, & so once again, my mind is raped for creativity... sigh


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