
alright, i haven't exactly been the best blogger lately. this wk was crazy busy. basically, this was because of the LA application. i found out on tuesday that even though i'm not a parkie, i was actually eligible... so despite the odds of my getting in being ridiculously slim because absolutely every parkie has a better chance than me, i decided to go for it anyway. if i didn't try, i'd never know, so what the hell. if i can do LA & DC.. that would be completely awesome... i'm trying not to think too far ahead though, cuz i'm basically just waiting for the park school to f me over yet again. oh sigh.

so last night was actually a really nice night. the t6 boys had a beach party... bless their hearts for actually bringing sand into that suite. ay... then after that, we went to a mardi gras party. we tried to encourage some white boys to dance, and paul revealed his desire to model his life 2/3 after uncle jessie, and 1/3 after zack morris. it was all quite amusing. ha, camera 1 from backstage was there... aaand her friend dropped her on her head. they laughed though, so i suppose even that was a good time. we then went back to em's room & f'd with matt's head a bit. ha, poor lil' drunk boy...

so aside from midterms, things should be winding down a bit this wk... buuut, then there's preparing for spring break... i'm goin' to georgia yo. kristin, katie, kim, & i (note that they are apparently the kkk, oddly enough) are going on the habitat for humanity trip. aside from the bloody 20 hours it's gonna take to get there, i'm really looking fwd to it. i mean, i have my reservations about not going home (i love u guys) but this is just a better way to spend the time. i'm not running away with a gang or anything, we'll be building houses for underpriviledged families & sleeping on church floors. it's part of this program involving 11,000 college students. hardcore yo. check it out ha, so 3 cheers for bein' on the alabama border alright. oh man.

& holy crap, speaking of cut it out... uncle joey is coming!! haha, dave coulier is gonna be here on wednesday night... & it'll be free. poor dave, how awesome is that? nevermind spike lee, now we've got canada on our side.

i can't decide how i feel about the darkness. not the absence of light, the band. don't be such a douche.

the United Nations!

Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go.  You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to eachother, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result.  But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

ok, this is about as hardcore as it gets my lovlies. length, content, AND a quiz. yikes stripes alright... may all of you have a lovely wked- peace

---which reminds me. ATTN: guys- when u tell a chick that she looks good because her shirt is tight *shakes head* that's just not the way

em's ever so appropriate away message-
to sum up the night:
"paul was right when he said you were 15 minutes behind everything."
"paul? paul who? paul walker?"
"yes, katie, paul walker's mentioned you specifically."


oh guess what- I'M NOT DEAD. this week was insane.

even girls in sweatpants get laid oh kim, so profound

aaand i don't feel like writing. just wanted to give a 'holla' to my oh so adoring public. peace.


ha, well this was an amusing wked...

idealism fucks with my head, can i just say that?

hmm... maroon 5 is amusing... but the dude sounds like daniel beddingfield, it bothers me.

Not Coming Home

When you refuse me
You confuse me
What makes you think I'll let you in again
Think again my friend
Go on misuse me and abuse me
I'll come out stronger in the end

And does it make you sad
To find yourself alone
And does it make you mad
To find that I have grown
I'll bet it hurts so bad
To see the strength that I have shown

When you answer the door pick up the phone
You wont find me cause I'm not coming home

You don't know how much this hurts me
To say these things that I don't want to say
But have to say them anyway
I would do anything to end your suffering
But you would rather walk away

gah... stupid reading :/

here's a quiz.

You Are Most Like Carrie!

You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.

But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?

It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.

Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!

Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...

Totally different from any guy you've dated.

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like?
Take This Quiz Right Now!

ha, ok, where's he at yo. *shakes head* silly quiz


yvone: my bladder is a goddamn slut


today offered up a mixed bag, a mixed bag indeed...
on the plus side, i was one of those 1/3 pepsi bottles to score a song on itunes. nice. cuz ya know, i'm of course currently an addict... to itunes, not pepsi. i'm not a caffeine addict, unlike SOME ppl. hehe

i also had a random streak of motivation, so i finished all my work before 8, & i emailed gwen so i can finally actually declare legal studies as a minor. oh snap. why am i such the law buff? i'm also very much looking forward to the dc meeting cuz wtf i saw no signs & missed the one on tuesday. :/ grr... i was just checking out the application, & oh boy it shall be fun. a resume? sigh, i am not a grown up. who else is interested in dccccc? ha, please dont tell me that ben may be the only one i know planning to go when i am.

i got some bigwords.com stickers in the mail. & hey, stickers are always fun.

but yeah, at the same time, the stir craziness persists. oof. oof indeed. ...and i feel like going to the gym... what is WRONG with me? ha, oy


HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONE!!!!!! love ya much!!

& here my dears, is one of those far reaching blog entries u all salivate for.

favorite overheard line of recent hours:
ya know how my brother loves a good slut

today put me in so much better of spirits. my topic got chosen for our class's writing paper, some info made me smile, and i've got a brownie. heck YEAH. also, wearing scarves is fun.

fun with IM:
Cortney: I've decided to be a poop-tutor..now I don't really know what that entails but I'm going to have to drop out of college and break my left leg to do so.
Auto response from ME: why?
Cortney: Hmm...good point, I guess I'll stay in school and I won't break anything.
Cortney: What is a poop tutor anyway?
Cortney: Thanks for the advice!

oh sigh. my room is still cold though. did u know Jonathan Brandis committed suicide late last year? neither did i. ay. that's rough

what was that show? mr green? green guy? -kim g on captain planet... which i totally found the theme song to on itunes. which ps i can't get enough of. this morning i had "you can call me al"- paul simon in my head. random? why yes, but itunes is ma bitch. sorry musicmatch... but uh, this has been stimulating.

alright kiddies. here's a random email which all ya drunkards should learn from. *scene*
** Liability, Litigation and Liquor **

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what happened to your clothes.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the morning.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you have mystical Kung Fu powers, resulting in your getting your rear end kicked.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the morning and see something really scary.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug burns on the forehead, knees and lower back.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better
looking than most people.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you are invisible.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.

** !WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause a disturbance in the time-space continuum, whereby gaps of time may seem to literally disappear.

heh... spitting on people...


so itunes just reminded me of how much i heart garbage... & how i can't find this album. oh sigh. i thought i'd share nonetheless.

"You Look So Fine"

You look so fine

I want to break your heart
And give you mine
You're taking me over

It's so insane
You've got me tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over

I'm not like all the other girls
I can't take it like the other girls
I won't share it like the other girls
That you used to know

You look so fine

Knocked down
Cried out
Been down just to find out
I'm through
Bleeding for you

I'm open wide
I want to take you home
We'll waste some time
You're the only one for me

You look so fine
I'm like the desert tonight
Leave her behind
If you want to show me

I'm not like all the other girls
I won't take it like the other girls
I won't fake it like the other girls
That you used to know

You're taking me over
Over and over
I'm falling over
Over and over

You're taking me over
Drown in me one more time
Hide inside me tonight
Do what you want to do
Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show

Ending with letting go

Let's pretend, happy end

i don't like sharing -vandana

so why the h is it so bloody cold in my room? i'm typing with gloves right now. it makes for a good time.

i am frustrated by life. classes r way too easy for me right now, i have zero motivation. i've only had one quiz so far. level 100s just weren't made for me. damn requirements... i also may go stir crazy soon. so much ic... oy. drama blows.

dude, props to jules for this one. terribly amusing. oh the things editing can do...
but THIS... THIS is amazing. thnx to marina for THIS


friday the 13th did such an amazing job of sucking that i nearly forgot how much i loathe valentine's day. oh bother.


watched dark side of oz tonight. interesting, though i don't know how anyone could take flat out listening to that album. oy. heartbeats? everyone did say we should have been high...

oh yes! i went to the gym today, & it was actually awesome. kim, lucia, jazmin & i played vball with a bunch of random boys. ha, it was terribly amusing. i'm such a stickler for the rules though, it messes me up to be so casual about it. oh bother. first game for el equipo tomorrow! everyone had best show up... oy. jazmin & i r looking fwd to it *claps hands* i can still aim, but i'm def out of practice :/ gee, guess that's what 2 yrs of not playing can do.

laura & grace called me to ask if i liked bad ham. as in expired ham, apparently. guys- ha, what the fuck was that about? i'm sure it was funny to the drunkards ;P heh, love u oodles of course

okay, there have officially been too many emoticons in this post. time. to. peace.


so awesome, no doubt is going on tour... but with blink 182. what the fuck. i ain't payin' for that shiz

Top Ten Things Found On Mars By NASA

10. They only found nine things before the rover broke down.

9. A note saying, "Squandered the natural resources. Moved one
planet closer to sun."

8. The fact that a little car driving around on remote control
looking at rocks captures the heartbeat of a nation...for 10

7. A bone-filled spacesuit bearing China's emblem from the
Chang dynasty, thousands of years ago.

6. Rocks, and lots of 'em.

5. Starbucks.

4. A kindly old man named Dmitri with a broken spaceship and
outdated political views.

3. The lone Dennis Kucinich supporter.

2. T-shirts with sayings like: "Mars or Bust", "I went to Mars
and all i got was this T-shirt", and "I was with stupid but
dropped him off at Earth".

1. "My goodness Houston! Dust! And enough for everyone!"


oh yes, that's right... it's 4AM. i don't know how i do this. god bless my body yo. ...and ya know, ur cool too


he has the same kind of tape as me -moi
you guys are totally meant to be -col

i *heart* this photo

once ur a catholic, ur always a catholic- in terms of your feelings of guilt and remorse and whether you've sinned or not -madonna. no man, not jesus' mum either. i just found that to be interesting.

yeah, so i should so be writing a paper right now, but how bout this- i don't give a fuck. oh haha, dana ur so witty...

nah, actually i'm gonna write it. i pay to go here, remember? if only i had bartered my education for a goat, that is, if i had a goat. oh, if only...


Sugrhigh77: do you realize, every saturday morning, my ims from you go "oh, emily"

wow. i stayed in tonight for the first time in like 8 bagillion years. interesting. snl actually didn't suck too hard. my brain & body both needed to peace.


what the fuck, it just ate my post. aaanyway---

so yeah. i have an addiction to activities. no no no, it isn't enough that i'm already involved with 3 productions & writing for a magazine... i'm also organizing a volleyball team with jazmin & auditioning for ic unbound on sunday. why do i do this?

is somebody gonna whip it out? spike lee
so oh hey, that brotha came to "hickaca" this evening. 4 bloody hours of waiting to see him yo, & i must confess, i'm not too familiar with the guy. it was amusing, though nothing he said struck me as particularly brilliant or new. he totally trashed "cold mountain" and the sox. water is wet. fire is hot. red socks havent won since 1918 he declared. it was funny cuz 85% of ithaca's .007% minority population was rockin' the front row. i was in the 4th i think... so yeah, i can tell u that he doesnt spit or smell too bad. he has orange & yellow frames to his glasses. that's kinda fun. lucky for him, they matched with his orange sweater. way to go, spike. ya don't wanna have a name like spike & not be matchin', that's for damn sure. he seems very 'real', but then again, he's friggin' spike lee. perhaps the most awesome moment was when someone questioned how he felt about ic not celebrating dr king's holiday. he inquired as to what the president of the school thought about it. & where was good ol' peg? BAM! she peaced. everyone went hs caf style & was all ooooooh... oh peggy, first no eyebrows, then no love? what up

michelle came home!!! =) god bless her yo

oy, & so once again, my mind is raped for creativity... sigh


oh snap. what a fabulous evening! last night was miss lauryn's bday. we went to a party at the breaker house & the gal got bum rushed by 4 dudes once midnight hit. ha, it was hot. dancing was had by all! & everyone knows i loooves me some dancing... marina was in uh, top form. ha, ay. so many friends were there, & that always makes for good time. didn't sleep till 6=good fuckin' night. woo woo

& so it's the super bowl. hmm... i'll pretend to care.

dude, i've got a confession to make.... i'm totally listening to n*sync right now... & yes, it's by choice. ha, love me later~PAYCE