
today was what my brother would deem a "relaxing day." i just sat around, essentially. though i don't like days when i don't go outside at all. whoops. i just didn't feel like doing anything... so i didn't. heh. now i'm not tired, but there's nothing on tv, & i don't feel like sleeping. i just listened to 2gether. 'member that jive? "ever break up wit a girl & she keeps yo stuff? man, what's up wit dat?" ohh they were amusing, were they not?

i watched "west side story" last night. oh sigh.
also: charlotte church + josh groban singing "somewhere" = awesome. i heart josh. someone email him & remind him to marry me.

oof, back to ic in a wk? since when? i just don't know man...

someone should take hormones out back & shoot him.

that is all


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