
sometimes i'm like woo woo blog! yeah yeah! but within the past few days i haven't particularly felt like writing much...

well, i hope everyone's christmas was GRAND. mine was pleasant, indeed. grandma sported her almighty poinsetta christmas shoes, it was a holiday alright.

i want to go shopping. i haven't done so in ages, & now i have "gift cheques" to rock. perhaps monday? anyone wanna go out on monday? i'm working all day tomorrow :/ it's with cool ppl, but still... ugh

so what the h is going on for new yr's? i haven't made much of an effort to find out. now is the time for u all to hop to it & fight for the chance to spend it with urs truly. u know u want to ;) ya know what gets me about new yr's? it's supposed to be all happy new yr! *mwuh* i have never actually spent a new yr's celebration with a bf. perhaps i should make this a goal. it won't be as high up there as my wear a hoop skirt goal or anything like that, but yeah. ha...

ok... time out for cocoa
(ps, why do i seem to be the only one who calls it that? why do the rest of u fiends refer to it as 'hot chocolate'? same difference? i know, but still... sigh)


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