
last night i had a really hard time getting to sleep. i then proceeded to have a series of really bizarre, sometimes even disturbing dreams:

in one of them, ben kept trying to knock down my door, but it wasn't my room, it was my grandma's old living room. i asked jazmin if i could get some more locks, cuz ya know, she's an RA & all. it didn't seem as if his forced entry was particularly malicious in intent, he just wouldn't go away. someone also had a room that looked like a 70s basement. i can't remember who.. but she shared it with someone we didn't know, so i went there to try to get away from ben. it didn't work.

then i had some other dream that took place in the mysterious upstairs of the a&p (food store). it was chock full of orange metal stairs. i gave money to some charity when i went in, a dollar, actually. for some reason i was gonna give em 98 cents, but i didn't have that 3rd penny, so i hadda sacrifice a dollar instead. well anyway, on my way out, i initially went out the wrong door. instead of to the parking lot, it took me to some weird field. a construction worker let me back in. there were all these barren fields surrounding the building, strewn with construciton equipment of sorts. according to the news briefing which was like, playing in my head, we were now mysteriously in california where all the flowers had been relocated to because they couldn't grow in like missouri or wherever they were supposed to because of some war. this was an important move, because if they didn't grow, then there would be no wheat, & thus this would spawn mass hunger across the nation. all because fo some lavendar flowers, which in the animated satellite photo, were bustin' outta cali like nobody's biz.

then i also had some really disturbing dreams. in one, i was on someone's lawn with some ppl, & we were trying not to let these thugs in one of the rooms within the house see us. everyone seemed to be pretty light hearted about it, but they were bad asses, yo. they yelled about all their guns & jive. well i saw lucia in one of the windows, so i went in to go by her. when i got in, she was suddenly on her way out. she walked right past me with this dazed face, acting like she didn't even see me.

somewhere along the way, there was this family wearing these big monster like costumes so that no one could tell they were black, cuz they were hiding from these crazy killers, who had just disembodied some girl. yeah, u heard me. this was the disturbing part. i'm not sure if these were the same thugs or not. a guy was all in black, leaning over a bathtub, cutting off some girl's feet & hands. yes, there was blood, & it was very much a cinematic sort of thing. i remember seeing a baby's hand, peeking out of the tub, but i can't remember if we saved it or not. i think we rescued the baby, me & the monster ppl that is.

somewhere along the line, i was also a csi investigator, & the sku numbers of notebooks solved it all, i was partnered with this girl my friend goes to school with, janine, who i barely know. our hunch was right all along at course, though i can't remember what we were solving.

is that not WHACKED? lotta insanity for one night yo... oy.
oh well, pleasant dreams, kiddies... i'd hope


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