
wycoff when u can sneeze? -max

& the pact lives on...


i have had ricky martin- "she bangs" in my head for the great majority of the day. what the hell

ay, i want a 3 musketeers... oh well, DON'T HAVE ONE OR ANYTHING

so hey, marina & i r gonna tour the world! today's kick is semester at sea. i had thought of it years back, but today i spent hours looking it up & jazz. it seems so incredibly awesome. more research has to be done/i need to see if i still care in a couple days. OOF!

good god i just read like 20 bagillion articles on gay marriage. it's for persuasive argument. now... i get that we need to see different angles & ways of argument... but do we hafta read like 134 articles on the damn topic? oy vey. talk about monotany...

i wore blue & brown today. i like the way they go, yet don't. oh how it amuses me so. yo. oh!

ha, yeah, who knows... armadillos in ur pants!

everyone uber likes u -cortney
awh, that girl is awesome.

oh! & ya know what? today was awesome. ya know when ya have one of those days where ur just on it? i was an animal in class, i had contributions at the writer's meeting, i had a winning ensemble... ha, score. i needed a day like this =)

i forgot how much i enjoy dangly earrings. teeheehee.

oh hey, it's tomorrow already... much love

i typed in "panda cartoon," and here's what came up. not exactly a panda. but a cartoon? THREE

hmm... i'm not so sure this dude approves





...that is all


Top Ten Rejected Nickelodeon Shows:

10. Contraceptive Spongebob Squarepants
9. Clarissa Explains It All but Leaves Out the Time She Got Really Drunk and Let Ferguson Feel Her Up
8. Wild and Crazy but Medicated Kids
7. Pepe and Pepe
6. The Fairly Obvious World of Alex Mack
5. Super Duper Triple Quarduple Dare
4. What Would You Do, NAKED?!
3. You’re Doing That on Television
2. Hey Dude, Yeah You, Fucker
1. Baby GUTS

i liked #2

3 cheers for the first wked back... or maybe it was 6, or 7... or 8. who can really say. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLY!!!!

i hope everyone had a good wked.
you were the girl no one wants to be -kim
you're a porn star -em
that's some friend ya got there -katie's friend tim
oh good god *shakes head*

sometimes i can only laugh, for i do not know what else to say...


noel762 (3:00:29 AM): i'm cooler than u when i'm sleeping
BenNRoxie (3:01:13 AM): you are so not
BenNRoxie (3:01:21 AM): i'll admit that you are as cool as me
BenNRoxie (3:01:24 AM): but no more
BenNRoxie (3:01:35 AM): we are equally cool
BenNRoxie (3:01:44 AM): i'll give you that
BenNRoxie (3:02:45 AM): ok i lie
BenNRoxie (3:02:52 AM): you are way more awesome than me

my head hurts. ugh. i'm just sitting around drinkin' some cocoa. i suck at having nothing to do, it just makes me restless. i've got all my reading done for monday... i mean, i could start tuesdays... i could write my article for buzzsaw... but ehh. i'm just gonna say i'm bored.

noel762 (12:39:42 PM): vant vo veat voon?
noel762 (12:40:16 PM): vavavava!
noel762 (12:42:09 PM): :'(
noel762 (12:42:14 PM): vo?
oceanica83 (12:42:42 PM): yes i do
oceanica83 (12:42:43 PM): i vo
noel762 (12:43:24 PM): *whew* for a second, i thought that if i suddenly developed a speech impediment, which somehow carried into my type of course, we wouldn't be able to be friends because u could not understand me
noel762 (12:43:32 PM): but alas, we can communicate!
oceanica83 (12:43:40 PM): hahah
oceanica83 (12:43:42 PM): wow

awh, this is cute yet sappy. ha, i stole it from grace.



so u've been craving a decent post, eh? hmm... well i finally got my schedule finalized. culture & mass media is the winner of the who gets to be my elective? race. i commend thee. i mean, i get to do a project on madonna, helloooo. ha...

when u think of ur idea of utopia, does it feature technology? communications r messed up nowadays. i dunno, i've got a lotta classes with similiar notions being raised so my head's all like what what? what happened to the law?

happy chinese new yr! year of the monkey! ROARRR!! ha, that was for kim (and monkey butt kangaroo)

i have nothing to do right now. i mean, i could get ahead on things... or i could write my article for buzzsaw... but i feel so not productive. my head has yet to kick it back into school gear. i slept for a solid 8 hours last night, yet i'm still like uhhh sleep maybe? ha, oy.

abby decided that she & i should have a talk show. it could be like, "lunch with abby & dana." we could help chicks out yo. today's lunch topics included such issues as religion, gynos, & skin care. uhm, hello? we could help the brotha, err, sistas, out yo! ha...

my lantern won't go back on my ceiling =(

i was able to help deydra fix her computer last night! ha, we were so proud of ourselves for doing it without the aid of young men. word.

why does the d-hall always have turkey for dinner on thursday? seriously now. it's supposed to be a holiday esque novelty meat. why the hell do we need it every wk? there is no fun, nor variety in that. is anyone a fan? in which case, i don't know 'em.

awh, kim got me a lil' african gorilla dude. it's a wood carving. it's from ghana. it's cool.

i like sheryl crow. i bet michelle branch likes sheryl crow... & if she doesn't, she should, cuz if she sticks around, she's gonna be kinda like her. i feel.

ok, here's a stupid quiz. it's been a while. sorry fellow procrastinators.
Say Anything...

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla


dear mr pope,
can i have the emails of all your peoples


hmm... i feel as if i should offer an update for my loyal readers...

i saw a pink elephant -grandma
you're crazy -kyle

hmm... so, first day of classes. biz-e aiight. i just dropped media prod after a debate with myself, opting for religion & american politics on tr instead... it's just too unbalanced of a schedule. oh bother.

coming back was weird. i mean at home, i finally scored a room, which made this one less amusing as before since oh hey, it's not orange. things ended nicely as well. it made me so happy to be able to hang out with my girls before peacing. it was nice to have bfs be pushed aside for gfs for once by all. oh sigh. cat got milk to come dangerously close to exiting sarah's nose, & i got rachel to laugh heartily, ha, which is always enjoyable for all for whatever reason. it went like this:
me: so what r u going to dance to?
meghan: it goes like, "(sings) i'm gonna fuck you tonight..."
me: oh, so it's a classy song
rachel: (the previously detailed hearty laughter) it's classy (more laughter) it's classy for white trash (oh yes, more laughter)

ha, it was a good time.

snap. musicmatch is playing natalie imbruglia. who knew she wasnt dead.

alright, i'm not feeling too blog-like.. just wanted to let u all know that i'm breathing. rock on my lovelies

oh, & don't ever let me spell busy "biz-e" again.


i have officially concluded that 'will & grace' no longer serves of any benefit to the acclaimed 'must-see tv' line up. it's off to cbs, bitch.


last night i had a really hard time getting to sleep. i then proceeded to have a series of really bizarre, sometimes even disturbing dreams:

in one of them, ben kept trying to knock down my door, but it wasn't my room, it was my grandma's old living room. i asked jazmin if i could get some more locks, cuz ya know, she's an RA & all. it didn't seem as if his forced entry was particularly malicious in intent, he just wouldn't go away. someone also had a room that looked like a 70s basement. i can't remember who.. but she shared it with someone we didn't know, so i went there to try to get away from ben. it didn't work.

then i had some other dream that took place in the mysterious upstairs of the a&p (food store). it was chock full of orange metal stairs. i gave money to some charity when i went in, a dollar, actually. for some reason i was gonna give em 98 cents, but i didn't have that 3rd penny, so i hadda sacrifice a dollar instead. well anyway, on my way out, i initially went out the wrong door. instead of to the parking lot, it took me to some weird field. a construction worker let me back in. there were all these barren fields surrounding the building, strewn with construciton equipment of sorts. according to the news briefing which was like, playing in my head, we were now mysteriously in california where all the flowers had been relocated to because they couldn't grow in like missouri or wherever they were supposed to because of some war. this was an important move, because if they didn't grow, then there would be no wheat, & thus this would spawn mass hunger across the nation. all because fo some lavendar flowers, which in the animated satellite photo, were bustin' outta cali like nobody's biz.

then i also had some really disturbing dreams. in one, i was on someone's lawn with some ppl, & we were trying not to let these thugs in one of the rooms within the house see us. everyone seemed to be pretty light hearted about it, but they were bad asses, yo. they yelled about all their guns & jive. well i saw lucia in one of the windows, so i went in to go by her. when i got in, she was suddenly on her way out. she walked right past me with this dazed face, acting like she didn't even see me.

somewhere along the way, there was this family wearing these big monster like costumes so that no one could tell they were black, cuz they were hiding from these crazy killers, who had just disembodied some girl. yeah, u heard me. this was the disturbing part. i'm not sure if these were the same thugs or not. a guy was all in black, leaning over a bathtub, cutting off some girl's feet & hands. yes, there was blood, & it was very much a cinematic sort of thing. i remember seeing a baby's hand, peeking out of the tub, but i can't remember if we saved it or not. i think we rescued the baby, me & the monster ppl that is.

somewhere along the line, i was also a csi investigator, & the sku numbers of notebooks solved it all, i was partnered with this girl my friend goes to school with, janine, who i barely know. our hunch was right all along at course, though i can't remember what we were solving.

is that not WHACKED? lotta insanity for one night yo... oy.
oh well, pleasant dreams, kiddies... i'd hope


today was what my brother would deem a "relaxing day." i just sat around, essentially. though i don't like days when i don't go outside at all. whoops. i just didn't feel like doing anything... so i didn't. heh. now i'm not tired, but there's nothing on tv, & i don't feel like sleeping. i just listened to 2gether. 'member that jive? "ever break up wit a girl & she keeps yo stuff? man, what's up wit dat?" ohh they were amusing, were they not?

i watched "west side story" last night. oh sigh.
also: charlotte church + josh groban singing "somewhere" = awesome. i heart josh. someone email him & remind him to marry me.

oof, back to ic in a wk? since when? i just don't know man...

someone should take hormones out back & shoot him.

that is all


no matter how old ya get, parents still have no idea what they're talking about -a random customer


and now, for a limited time only, call my cell phone & catch my brother rapping to eminem. holla

ev- who r we stalking? hmmmmmm? ;)

today i saw a guy who was in my business class at the mall. i stopped & pointed this out to rachel in the fleeting seconds in which he passed. she told me to say hi, i said that i'd never spoken to him. the clerk of the store we were in told me to as well. he was gone. he's cute though. cat said i like guys with big noses. the end.


dude, i'm proud of myself. only one B this semester. good stuff! this was my best gpa yet, & i was mad busy too. i'm one of those freaky ppl that needs to be overwhelmed it seems. & i know i could have done even better if i handed in my writing papers on time... i'm content though. =) & it looks like next semester i won't have to pay a mad crazy lot for books for once... which would be awesome. dude, if anyone has a tues/thurs class they wanna drop, lemme know what it is, cuz i don't wanna take islam & politics, but everything seems to be on mwf, gah!

i've been selling books online like an animal. ha, i suppose that sometimes being cheap pays off ;) ha...

back to work tomorrow. oh bother. first i'm going out with cat & rachel though... perhaps we'll score some taco bell, holla. we're going to the mall, & my mom has specifically requested that i go to the store where a man was shot. now, is that motherly? that woman perplexes me sometimes....

i wanna get my ear pierced again. that's right, make that right ear even GAYER. ha, does anyone even follow that whole thing anymore? oy
BenNRoxie: are you gay?
noel762: haha
BenNRoxie: no really
BenNRoxie: i need to know
noel762: why's that?
BenNRoxie: i don't want to have to get a sex change

i ran into katie lee today. it was odd, cuz i had a dream with her in it last night. it was whacked, there were a bunch of ppl in it. but ya always wonder what's up when u see the person after it happens...

i put on lipstick today, & i felt old. maybe that sounds lame, but it's true. looking in the mirror, i just felt so mature looking... oh sigh. growing up indeed.

awh, today i randomly remembered steven from the mall. rachel says, "i've got paper!" that was the cutest thing ever. a note to the boys- girls will always think ur sweet if u call them pretty at random. oh sigh.


ThatsASin: when i was 15 i said "i love you too" to this stupid ho i was dating
ThatsASin: but it was mostly to shut her up so i could go home
ThatsASin: ha, that sounded soooo wrong
noel762: hahaha
noel762: how charming
ThatsASin: but um, we didn't get along

so yesterday i went to the semi annual with sarah, rachel, meghan, & sheena. folks, i can't lie, i was disappointed in vicky's. sarah was all they're holding back on us, i know they are! ha, so we're gonna check it out again tomorrow. bastards... we didn't get much. & what's the deal with boyshorts? waaayyy too many goin' on. oh bother.

attempted to ghetto style highlight my hair, as well as my mom's this evening. it didn't show up at all on her (the colors were too similiar). i can see it in my hair... but ehh, i dunno. at the moment i'm not crazy excited about it.

kala: oh so, last night i had a dream i had a baby... but nancy kerrigan had custody of it

holy crap i'm officially back in my room. it's ORANGE... because I LIKE ORANGE. ay, it's crazy small... but it's cute... & let's not forget that awesome fucking rug. oh no no.

was anyone questioning if jeff was still lame?
jude713: hiya
noel762: yo yo
jude713: slinkey!
noel762: precisely

don't worry, he still is. ha, poor guy. apparently he & ben r going to duel to see who gets me. interesting. i don't recall agreeing to be with either of them.
jeff- I'm a true gentlemen who respects human life and wouldn't dare killing someone in the name of love. Not unless it was necessary. But I'd die for you.
ben-obviously his love for you isn't as strong as mine. i would do anything for you... he has limits... for you i'd fight anybody or anything
oh what fun... silly boyz

Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.59
i'm as left as the dalai lama, & as libertarian as nelson mandela... essentially, i am ghandi! wahaha!


grandma- u've gotta be tough to make it in this house
me- that's why i'm a jerk
mom- *laughter*

la la la la la... so today, all friends seemed to find a way to be dead yet again. gah. i went out with mi mum to attain a new rug for my "new" room. ay, it was *so* nice to actually get to pick some part of it, for alas, my room has become the prom dress which i must live in (ie, that got taken over as well). i got an octagon shaped carpet with squares of all sorts of earth tones. my rug is fucking awesome, alright? let's get that out there. fucking awesome.

mary kate & ashley have perfume! ha, ur damn straight i bought it! they're marketed so insanely well. "real scents, for real girls," yo! ha, one time, i recall nardoney saying that she wouldn't be surprised to see them come out with their own line of tampons. dude, i'd probably be interested if they started marketing anvils. they r just too. darn. cute. heh...

the other day when i was out with laura, she laughed at me & said, "it's fun to watch ur demise." my demise? i questioned. "yes, watching u turn more & more into a girl." *gasp* ya see that? a GIRL. ha, i think it's kinda true though, i must confess. my head has matured in a weird way. responsibilities- first, being a girl- seventh. i dunno man. today i also got 2 new nail polishes & some sort of hair stuff. dude, who even knows. ooh, & red boots! ha, how hot is that? red is my new favorite color alright. they make me crazy tall. yet another reason why all boys should grow.

oh & ps, my mom wants me to be a hussy. how terribly charming!

...i'm in an exclamatory sort of mood. !!yeah!!

The Middle
(jimmy eat world)

don't write yourself off yet
it's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on
just try your best
try everything you can
and don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away

hey you know they're all the same
you know you're doing better on your own so don't buy in
live right now
just be yourself
it doesn't matter if that's good enough for someone else

it just takes some time
little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
everything everything will be just fine
everything everything will be all right

do your best
do everything you can
don't you worry what their bitter hearts are going to say


i haven't been in my room since last yr... i haven't fallen asleep since last yr! -everything my brother says ends in this way

i used to be a big "ally mcbeal" watcher. one new yr, she spoke of how someone had told her that if when u think back on the yr, & if it doesn't bring u to tears of either joy or sadness, then it was a year wasted.

was ur year worth it?

have a happy one...