
so today... yeah, totally productive. i actually succeeded in finishing my work by like 10 AND i'm currently doing laundry. yeah, yeah that's right. granted this is the first i'm doing laundry since i got here but uh, that makes it all the more of a magical experience.

so in my span of productivity i read tartuffe for theatre. i was amused when on the second page this one guy tells his daughter's maid:
move, move, you slut
but then... a couple pages later- observe:
tartuffe- for mercy's sake, please take this hankerchief before you speak.
dorine- what?
tartuffe- cover that bosom, girl.
despite the absurdity of the whole play and the incessant rhyming.... score! ha, he totally said bosom. that my friend, was hot.

yeah. so an interesting phenomenon i observed today- things ppl say to signify their presence in the bathroom. this morning our cleaning lady was cleaning my bathroom. there r 2 others yes, but she was in mine. so i go to the first alternative bathroom & knock on the door. the person inside says, "bathroom". bathroom? why yes darling, clearly. i wander down to the next door, knock, & this time i hear, "don't come in." i think that was the voice of beth though, & yeah, she thinks i'm a perv. but seriously, what is the 'appropriate' bathroom terminology? alice (from turkey) told me that she was told to say "occupied". i tend to say "in a sec". hmm... what on earth would miss manners say to this one?

ps i did eventually get to pee. no worries


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