
you know yvone, she drinks-alice

oy, so my apologies for zee blog being quite chock full of suckage lately. i've basically decided to be hyperactive involved girl. that's what i do. i had an audition this evening which went well overall. i'm going with the most girls suck at being funny & i don't angle. i saw 3 of their auditions, & they weren't funny. hey, i made the camera guy laugh, so we'll see, no? i'm not expecting much though. there were mucho people-o & not too many parts. yep.

"A man is suing Best Buy Electronics after finding a tape in his new camcorder that showed several men having sex with each other. Today, the man received a formal apology from Best Buy and N'Sync."

-Conan O'Brien. oh... snap

yeah, so just now i had the thought to just totally fuck spanish. why am i taking it? it stresses me so. theoretically, i like it. but ya know what, i really don't anymore. i'm thinking of dropping it & picking up constitutional law... hmm. i must decide this by tomorrow since hey, now we only have a wk to mess around with schedules. ugh. thoughts? i mean, i am technically a politics major u know...

oy, so the first 'backstage' meeting is at the same time as auditions for the hip hop dance club! wth yo, that would be so hot

"There's nothing so tragic as seeing a family pulled apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves."
-Jack Handey

now that's a thought to dream to...


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