
awh, my comment thing is currently temporarily offline :/ i can see that i have 3 comments though. ooh la la... such things to look fwd to. yeah kids. yeah comments.

yeah, so speaking of error messages... it struck me as i was blogging last night- hence the premature departure. argh, so my other computer, my *real* computer, apparently has a virus. make sure you update microsoft! oy vey. i've been trying to dl the patch but my computer keeps, what do ya know, shutting down in the meantime. seriously not cool... oh dear sweet technological baby, get well soon!

maybe guys r stupid cuz it gives girls something to talk about... & maybe girls r stupid cuz it gives guys something to talk about. & to think, one is always wondering what the other talks about...

ay, school is certainly approaching. tomorrow is my last 9-5 register shift... can't say that i'll be missing that... at all.

i watched "the royal tenebaums" last night since OH i have the dvd now (which is so cute mind u). ha, dude, a priest falls down the stairs. somehow i had forgotten this from the first time. that's probably the hardest i laughed throughout the whole thing... i'm not evil, it was just funny, cuz dude, a priest & stairs? who would do such a thing? & to say that u have been cast as the priest who topples down a flight of stairs? priceless. truly priceless.


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