
there may not be marriage & there may not be sex... but by god, they'll be dancing-george at the end of "my best friend's wedding". ha, might i add that this has been true of every gay man i have currently encountered. divas of the dance floor, yo

ok, so i had off today. aside from the fact that i was frickin' stranded, it was cool ...i guess. argh, boredom & i don't get along so well. & it's not like i could even idley eat since oh hey, we have no food. oy vey.

i gots me some dvds in zee mail today cuz i joined the columbia house club thingie, ha, for better or for worse. let me know if ur interested, cuz then we BOTH get cheap ones, ha! i just watched "my best friend's wedding". i had seen it yrs before & recalled liking it a lot... perhaps cuz i was diggin' the best friend of the time & it was relatable. which actually, is rather stupid reasoning cuz it's not like it ends well, nor was he getting married anytime soon. (don't wanna ruin the ending for those of u with virgin eyes) but yeah. in the scene where they're in the cazebo, her hair changes back & forth. pardon me editing, but uh, i caught u. also, i enjoy when they're talking about jello.
-he's comfortable with jello
-i can be jello!
-crem brule can never be jello... YOU can never be jello!

bet good ol' mr cosby got a real kick outta that one, eh?

you suck at life if you cant appreciate "the wedding singer"-marina. amen sista, amen

hmm... so other than that, i attempted to get into watching "the real world" (oh yes, i was that bored)... but they're just a bunch of punks. so bleh. i also bummed some food over at the neighbors. i mean, they're having a party. it's not like i was all please sir, can i have some more? with big ol' puppy eyes & a tender accent or anything. i also took note of the fact that i seem to be losing weight. like i said, we have no food. i dunno how i feel about this though. i mean it's only a couple of pounds, but basically, i think my body is stealing it from my breasts. it could all just be in my head, granted, but alas this is my theory. ya see, i think my butt has stated it's claim as ghetto, so now my metabolism has decided to hate on my friends. what the h man? i can't afford such coercion. i am not a bustly female. ha, as i write this i can once again see cat laughing at me, cuz the word is busty not bustly, but bygones. bust off mis pechos metabolism... dammit

ha, & in similiar spirits, check this out. extemely profound indeed.


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