
yep... so i have off tomorrow (today). i have no car. i have no place to be. everyone seems to be busy. TOYING WITH ME!!

so within the first 10 minute i'm working, 3 stupid girls come over to me. i suppose they were around 14 yrs old. the one comes up holding a fake peach in one hand, and an apple in the other. uhm, excuse me? are these real? she asked. yeah, i was so not in the mood for this & wasnt about to attempt to humor her.
-no, no they're not real.
-oh okay... cuz i was gonna say, if they're real then they're kinda stale

(fruit doesn't get stale...)
she then went to walk away, then turned back:
-oh, one more question- *holds her hand out to shake mine* would u like to be a part of the international friend organization?
-a part of what?
-the international friend organization
-well what are the reprecussions of joining your organization?
-uhm... i dunno
-is this one of those pass-it-on things or something?
-...it's an organization.
-oh... well ya know what, i bet the girl at the register would love to be your friend. her name's rebecca.

of course they went up to rebecca, only after one of the girls ran back to ask of my name. i referred her to my name tag.
rebecca shook the little freak's hand. she said they caught her off guard.
yeah, so... what was the point in this? who does that? a customer even asked me what they were doing. i suppose they were daring eachother & thought it was amusing, but they weren't even laughing. the girl i talked to was actually really good at keeping a straight face. if ur gonna be an idiot in public, have a good time with it at least. they just weren't funny. aiesh, what's with kids these days? *shakes head* shouldn't they be off experimenting with drugs or fire or something instead? craft stores are for old ladies.

ha, ok, this is the lamest quiz ever. check out the grammar, it's quality.

-Strong and Funny-
You are very funny all histarical jokes. When you
give a joke you meen buisness. Good job!

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heheh i bee funknee!!

heaven help us


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