
ehh, here's some cheap supposed entertainment

In your eyes, people see brightness in
everything.... and I mean... EVERYTHING! You're
so optimistic and think of everything as just a
new adverture! You're very energetic, happy,
fun, and loving. Everyone seems to want to be
just like you because you're a great example of
people who live life to its fullest! You don't
really have a sanctuary... That is... Besides
the whole world. You love to have a good
time and enjoy yourself among your friends,
family, even strangers or by yourself! However,
being so happy and energetic can also be your
downfall... Some people might see you as a
crazy person who doesn't take anything
seriously, but that's so not true! Just because
you see life better than them doesn't give them
the right to act crabby. Keep living life to
its fullest and hopefully you can drag some
other people along with you ^-^

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla


and then my boss yelled at me for helping too many people

al gore love the tele? and amaya from the real world is hosting? well then.

lack of blogging lately, i recognize. i just haven't had the bug i 'spose.

ho hum.


& what a fanciful way to do nothing



Your World (Part One): What is your world made of? [girls]

brought to you by Quizilla

oh the power of pattering keys...

if there is one thing that has always made me feel better about life, it is draining my woes from my being and onto the page. work, bahhhh. i got to have a lovely talking to about switching so that i could get off to come home this weekend. awesome, i love guilt trips for wanting to be with my family and friends, seriously. i really hope that i get the job with ic quarterly, that way i'll have a legit excuse to peace on out of that place. i'm definitely afraid of the wrath i'll encounter during said conversation *gulp*

what do a wheel chair, indiana jones and a bag full of dirty pots have in common?
...they're all currently in my living room.
our apartment has become a closet. steve, adam, bryan, ram's desk chair and a ton of musical equipment are now takin' up space in me humble abode. it will be awesome when my mom and dad-who-has-no-idea-who-my-roommates-are gets here. i need more 'talks' today.

is that so...

worth the thought


holy crap, pictures from my birthday!

i just got some pics from the lovely lou from the last night of the fall semester, which coincidentally, was also my birthday. let us explore!

it's ma birthdayyyy

miss molly and krrristy

the stace and me dance dance dance it up

a very sexy jer & lou shot

and of course, me and the stace

becca and louuu

awh, fun fun. as always, for more pics, you can check out my webshots which will hopefully be updated very shortly ie once i go home & attain the almighty camera cable.

in the meantime, thanks to lou for this opportunity to share the smiles.


what's the time?

for those of you on the homefront, i will be making the trek back this friday night and will be in town until thursday morning. there had best be amusement to be found as i am putting my job on the line because of it- HOT.

and now, for your supposed enjoyment, a super lame quiz.

You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that
is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda
like the energizer bunny. lol. But your
probably really athletic and even if you're
not, you'd be good in sports because of all
your energy. You're enthusiastic about
everything you do and find it hard not to be
happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can
be realistic when needed. You always hope for
the best to turn out and many times they do.
Sometimes though, you let your temper get the
best of you but you apologize as soon as you
can because you hate people being angry with
you. You're friends love how active you are and
you make them feel. (If you can't see tje pics,
go to my homepage and look near the bottom and
find your result) like they can do anything
crazy if they want to.

What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


what is *with* ppl?

this is absolutely disgusting/horrifying. it's the story of a man who alledgedly used his young daughter as a shield during a shoot out with police.

good god, america.


"squozed" is not a word, it's "squeezed"

and yet another case of jumping to conclusions?

but *gasp* she's a woman!
"it's too much trouble to get laid. because you have to go out with a guy, and go to dinner with him, and listen to him talk about his opinions. and i don't have that kind of time."
- kathy griffin

it's been a good wked. i enjoy when things get a bit bustling. friday night was to be kiehl's welcome back to the states party, but thanks to his "irritable bowels" which everyone now knows about, it was a party in celebration of only the idea of his return. shots of vodka with a splash of pepto bismal were made in his honor. special. this all led to a most enjoyable day at work with getting up at 8AM and all. NICE.

last night, miss lou & miss kristin had a gathering. kristin and marc wrestled, and don't worry, i've got pictures (although i can't currently upload them since the infernal cable is at home). some day, some day...

lucia is visiting, and katharina will be here come wednesday! the lack of females makes me realize that i do actually appreciate the presence.

here's some quiz thing i got from laura. not because it's good, but only because it's been a while and it literally takes 2 seconds.
Your Expression Number is 9
An idealist and humanitarian, you strive to make the world a better place.
You do your best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion.
Deep down, you dream of being loved by many.

You are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others.
While you are very ambitious, you never lose site of perspective.
You have an abundance of creative talents... you just need to tap into them.

Although you are a giving person, you can become selfish if you are ignored.
If you are not able to help people, you tend to shelf your talents.
Without others, you become aloof and start to lack sensitivity.

last night, it was brought up that i have crazy stories. but they're not stories, that's just it, said marc. they're anecdotes, and since they only take up 45 seconds of you time, you don't expect to have your mood changed. but i did get my mood changed hearing about miss sussex county passed out in truck and falling into a coma.

and there you have it. i guess on some days, i'm good for somethin'...even if it is only anecdotal and centered around former beauty queens.



this one may be amusing, but most of them are just amazingly wound with vulnerabity, showcase and truth.

"everyone thinks i do it to make ppl stare... but it's really to keep them from looking too closely."


if britney can do it, why can't i?

i feel like whoever had the grand ol' idea to put in a bid for low rise jeans to be all the rage must have been a woman in her early 20s. she was like 'hey guys, sooo i dig wearing jeans as much as the next gal, but uh, they're kinda grinding into me... if only i could roll them down...' and then click! the idea was born. her gay friend jai probably whipped them up or something, holding one arm across his chest, a finger to his lip before pointing at her with great enthusiasm while taking a deeply enthralled breath only to let out a simple although intensely compassionate, "yes."

something just sort of happens to the female body after high school. it's like a turkey whose spent a year too many on the farm and is overly aware of it. those old jeans fit, but dammit, not like they used to... and where the hell did these hips come from? there's no legitimate weight gain, but things are just different. i like to call it flub. 20 some females are flubbin' out allover the place. no, you're not suddently fat or unattractive (since our society loves to make the 2 synonymous concepts) it's just different than what we used to know. it's not the head cheerleader, but it's not the girl who "played" the triangle during band practice.

for me, my body's all 'sooo just so ya know, i was thinking about beefin' up a bit, ya know, addin' some jiggle power for the babies you are so gonna have RIGHT NOW RAHAHAHAHA! FIND A YOUNG STALLION AND SHOOT OUT BABIES- BABIES EVERYWHERERERERERE!!!' and i'm like bitch, pleaaase. and you too hormones, let.it.up. the operator of this baby shop is on indefinite leave. oh & she whimpers from time to time, but ya gotta lay it down or she'll never learn.

just like that.

and this, my dears, is why there is clearly a need for the low rise jean. take that, "jelly." mama's got a new pair of jeans and the only baby she be lovin' is her booty.

fuckin' snap.


happy 4th, but watch your step...

"This is one of those moments in American history," said Ralph G. Neas, president of the liberal People for the American Way. "No matter what side you're on, everything you've believed in, everything you've cared about, everything you've fought for is at stake. It's such a closely divided court."

a brief lesson in politics:
for those of you who think that the court does nothing, that is entirely untrue.

"This is enormous," said Senator Feinstein, one of many trying to adjust to retirement by Justice O'Connor rather than Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist. "It's different from Rehnquist. It is enormous."

the court has the final say on constitutional interpretation and can truly set the tone of the nation. allow me to explain the current situation at hand w/o all the jargon-
justice o'connor, as the first female appointed to the high court, is often referred to as the swing vote. this basically means that she's not a shoe in. she is seen as more contemplative and less likely to stick strictly to party allegiances and so on. women and minorities identify with her.
not only is her retirement unexpected at this point in time, but it gives the president the opportunity to replace her with a hardline conservative. while even some republicans are arguing that it would be a mistake to do so, many of bush's other nominees have been just this. women's groups are arguing that one more conservative on the bench would equal the end of roe v. wade. minority groups feel that they are losing someone they could identify with on the bench.
with an expected retirement from chief justice rehnquist, this means that the president will be able to appoint two members to the bench. in doing so, he can appoint someone entirely new to the chief justice position, or bump up someone he digs like say, scalia, a ridiculous conservative who i'm pretty sure identifies himself as taking the constitution only for what it says and nothing more, ie not leaving room for modern day interpretations, but merely depending on a 200 yr old vision of some dudes who could have never anticipated all that we face today.
in any case, the justices may only appear to be nine folks sittin' up on a big ol' bench, but their ideals and moral values inevitably effect us all. replacing o'connor with a downright conservative would limit debate, and in turn, lessen the humanitarian contemplation which many hope to see in such a governing body.
it is a big deal, kids. the court holds the thermostat for the nation. let's be weary of letting a frigid newbie bitch about the fluctuations effecting our electric bill.

sing it, cher

i'm getting better at this pseudo vegetarian deal. i bought chicken for the first time in a while today, which made me realize how little i've been eating it. i made tofu & potatoes with coconut curry earlier. tofu is interesting, and i'm def not even close to knowing what all i can do with it. i just think of good ol' doug- "killer tofu"


i finished "still life with woodpecker." it held my attention and had a lot of fun quirky moments, but it's not a new favorite or anything. i have now moved on to "me talk pretty one day" -david sedaris. i'm excited for myself. this past year has brought me more reading for pleasure than ever before. granted, "the hookup handbook" wasn't exactly the most sophisticated read ever, but hey, i'm trying. writers always say that reading is important, so i'm flirting with different tastes, shall we say. and still, please let me know if you have any suggestions.

a part of me wants to apologize for this entry being so about me, even though reading my blog is probably a given on that one. i can't think of anything fun and exciting to share right now though... oh, how about how savetoby.com totally copped out. extending it by over a year? bs. way to take the fun out of the sitch and make it an even more obvious money scheme. i take back calling it amazing. silly rabbit, manipulation of funds is for kids.


list of things that are amazingly cool

bryan just gave me a key to use his car.

repeat: bryan just gave me a key to use his car.



list of things which are severely not cool

sandra says, "peace out, bitches"

here's what johnny k wrote me on the topic:

Here's our bottom line for the johnkerry.com community heading into the holiday weekend: we can never let her be replaced by a Justice who does not respect the right to privacy and Roe v. Wade, and who doesn't understand the freedoms protected in our Constitution.

So, this weekend, as you enjoy the Fourth -- take a minute to think about what it means, and come back on Tuesday morning ready to fight for our freedom. It's all at stake now, and we need to come together more than ever.

ps i doubt she used the word bitch, or even said "peace out" at all.