
are the backstreet boys seriously on the radio right now?

alright, i guess you could say that i'm "adjusting" to being back. it just sucks to feel like your experiences are best kept underwraps. i'm anxious to see how everyone else reacts to being away, in the home friend clan that is, although they will still have no concept to know what it's like to be the only one out of state.

i miss the activities in DC. the museums, the constant stimulation my mind was offered... being here- not so much. all i could think about on the way back was how i'd get to leave again soon, and i feel bad about that. there is a difference though, between feeling bad and feeling sorry.

this just in- that colored mousse jazz which is supposed to dye your hair for 8-10 washes- it's not that impressive. does it tint? yes. but there's not much more than that.

here's a quiz, cuz yeah, it's time to be bored alright:

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

i asked cat last night if she's ever felt like no one around her was on the same page. not because of awkwardness or anything like that, but just genuinely feeling that you're at a place no one else is. she didn't seem to follow me.
welcome to my life.


Blogger kalor the destructor said...

~slowly raises hand to gain daner's attention~

i was the only person in my school from new jersey.

i know what it's like to be away. far far away. hehehe

5/09/2005 9:31 AM  
Blogger kalor the destructor said...

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5/09/2005 9:31 AM  

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