
the long and winding road

And so my time in DC is drawing to an irrevocable close. I'm generally not the best for finding the squishiness in situations. For instance, the other day, Dell was talking about how if she had met mr lover boy earlier on in the semester, then she & I and Miss Meg wouldn't be as good of friends as we have become. I was like 'yeah, well, it's been good to have you around.' 'I think that's about as sentimental as you get, and I'm going to take it!' she said. Hurrah hurrah.

Well with that said, the semester is ending and life is approaching. A senior, who would believe it? Life is interesting, if nothing else.

My time in DC has been enjoyable, lackluster at times and unexpectedly comfortable at others. I like the city itself, perhaps if only because the buildings aren't as tall & daunting as in 'the city', but overall, I'm not a city gal, and this I have always known. The people I have encountered pretty much fit under the same category. College in general provides a rather funny social dynamic full of random encounters and short lived laughfests. There are those who I got to know better, those who found me to be a bit more than a bit of a jerk, and those who embraced both me and my faults. My roommates are wonderful people, and I don't think it's sunk in yet that in a matter of hours, we will not be able to share every inane and gritty detail of one another's lives.

I am glad for the experience, but not sad to let it end. That's the way the cookie crumbles, kids... and we knew that before we bought all that milk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you mean "we bought all that milk"? dana, be honest. YOU bought all that milk. and you drank it too. well except for sometimes I'd put a little bit in my coffee and not tell you, but I was hoping you wouldn't mind. but if you mind, I'm sorry. I'll give you my Giant card benefits if that will make this milk-stealing right.
-dell, who thinks too much

5/20/2005 12:03 AM  

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