
happy halloween?

i got groped by a pirate over at cornell. i feel like that should be on a tshirt or something. but yeah, drunken pirate complete with a handle of captain morgan totally accused me of wearing shark skin, and naturally, found this to be reason enough to rub my ass. why thank you pirate. i really needed that.

so last night... laaaast night. costumes are fun. i was a flapper, & may have taken too much time looking nice than to have actually spent it (if that makes sense). it started out okay, but then *den den dennnnn* cornell entered the picture. now mind you, i very rarely go over there, only because it seems to consistently suck ass. so with a lack of things to do here, and invite from the stace, i decided why not check it out. this wouldn't be a frat party, so surely things would somehow be different.
*crickets chirp*
uhm, there was good dancing music? cuz that was def the best part of the night.
jess & i went to another party to find uncle j, & i proceeded to ruin my own halloween. oh joy. i awoke at 10 (maybe 9) this morning to the scene of my tear stained face looking back at me in complete disappointment. halloween, my favorite holiday. i had put such pressure on making it fun that in the process, i lost my camera, did not recieve even one piece of candy, and played the part of 'that girl' instead of the lovely flapper which i had created. while i realize that today is truly halloween, i just find myself feeling very sad. my inner child is kicking my shins right now.
but hey- if you want to take the anorexic's POV on the matter, at least i probably lost like, 3 pounds, omg!

jeepers. and now, this is funny.


"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children." - Kenyan Proverb


ay, over 4000 clicks for this thing?

so i've finallllly heard somethinggg about dc. i've got an interview next wk at bloody 830 AM ay ay! i can't tell from the email if 1- i'm already in & this is a hey how r ya interview or 2- if it determines ma fate. either way, it's finally something, and i'm looking fwd to it.

nexxxxt (aside from using too many letters too many times), i present to you, some pictures! hooray! these r from the joint party at uncle j's/dave's a couple wkeds back.... and there are only two, but yay!

jer, myself, and uncle j with his champagne... who knows what exactly he's doing, but this makes for a mighty fun picture

'tis me & the stace... who is making a most enjoyable face.

OHHHH RYHME! & on that lame note, i shall part...


this is definitely funny

i'm not a sports fan so uh, that's all i've got. g'n kids


i know, i've been a neglectful parent. oh well, this should mollify you for a smidge...

...just so tired...

*shakes a fist at the break for putting a dent in her ever so precious motivation*


Katharina: too bad chris reeve didn't die two days earlier. then he could have been included in our dead celebrity conversation.

i can't decide if i'm terrible or not for thinking exactly the same thing. oh sigh.

RIP superman RIP


the way to my heart...

best message i've gotten in a long time

ram: oh i love you dana. i want to have sex with you without a condom so you can have 10,000 of my babies. BABIES EVERYWHERE!!
rachel: me too dana. i don't know you, but me too
ram: lots of babies! asian babies! chinese babies!

PS ram is not asian


what's that? bush loves nazis?

so another debate... bush def did better in this one. even if he did refer to kerry as sen kennedy at one point, proclaim that he is not a timber company, call terrorists haters, and use the word 'internets.' i'm not sure who won this one kids. kerry is so quick on his feet though. good stuff.

so last night was a really great night. got to see a whole slew of ppl, hang out with a bunch of zee guy friends... it was just a good time. & then TONIGHT is hardcore acappella night. def excited for that one yo. def.


what was that about flip flopping?

Kerry has never wavered from his support for giving Bush authority to use force in Iraq, nor has he changed his position that he, as President, would not have gone to war without greater international support. But a Bush ad released Sept. 27 takes many of Kerry's words out of context to make him appear to be alternately praising the war and condemning it.

But Mom, I've really gotta go bad!!

omg, you're peeing while there's someone in here. you're really making progress this year.

-kat commenting on my ever bettering phobia of peeing in public bathrooms while others are present. she then promptly had a discussion with her roommate on this subject, which to me, really brings it home. bashful bladder is real people. someone you love could be suffering- about 7% of the population is. so don't be a hater people, we have to pee too.


this is definitely terribly amusing in such a mr potato head esque way. personally, i enjoy thinning hair, drunk eyes, and the goatee. oh baby baby ;)

okay, so the debate issue. yeaaaa i'm just not a big edwards fan. most of his supposed reasoning was based on fallacy, & i didn't particularly fancy that he seemed like kerry's hand puppet. while yes, they are a team & should agree & all to present that almighty unified front, i liked that cheney was able to seperate his views from the president's. while i don't think edwards got crushed, i very much disagree with the notion that he won, although i have encountered polls & "experts" who seem to think so. and cheney is not a personable man, so i def think this speaks something of edwards. when his resume was put in question, i wanted to choke him for not bringing up our own president's political past. he was only a governor hello. ran for office and lost years before that. come now. our lunchtime convo decided that 3/4 of us would vote for a kerry/cheney ticket. & there u go. who says i don't have love yo?

ay, i'm still up cuz 1- why wouldn't i be & 2- we were rocking it hardcore to get this issue of buzzsaw up to par. i have sooo many ideas for the magazine floating about in me brain. miss em asked me if i wanted to be an editor which i would LOVE cuz i LOVE the idea of having an EDITOR title & i really want to make the mag better, but i'm not sure if i believe it to be true yet... ha. everyone knows that a woman's wants may be crushed by domineering men. we shall see my lovelies, we shall see...


"John Edwards is in trouble for patting the head of a wheel chair bound person at a campaign stop. Edwards apologized and said that he should have put the bumper sticker elsewhere."
-Conan O'Brien

oh john... ohhh john. i don't feel inspired to talk about this one right now, but yes, i think cheney won. perhaps more elaboration later- gotta at least *try* and be fair.

but for now, a wonderful cartoon brought to you by ryan. japanese children are given comics without captions to help out with their english skills. sometimes, hilarity ensues. observe:


2 boys confessed their love to me tonight...
and they're both gay.

oh life, you taunt me so.


something to smile about

well ay, oodles of politcal jive happened today, most notably being the debates of course.

i saw 'the jesus factor' today, & while it was not the best film ever, it had some worthwhile information. there were shots of bush referring to the bible as the 'handbook' we should follow. while i admire those with great faith, as president of a nation first flooded by those who wished to gain *gasp* religious freedom, how can one make such a blanket statement? is he attempting to carry the light of freedom around the world or the light of christ? as the leader of the 'free world,' ya can't do both.

i also went to visit each of the candidate's websites today. having been to WWW.JOHNKERRY.COM numerous times, i figured it was only fair to check out the opposition. by no means am i trying to convey that i am an unbiased judge. if you've ever read my ramblings before then you would know that i am certainly not a bush supporter, but regardless of who you're behind or what you believe- how disgusting is this? bush's site offers a game about kerry's supposed flip-flops. outside of it being a terribly immature thing for a president to be presenting, the cartoon is terribly unflattering to hillary, and the french. ohhh but women and france, who cares about either of those things anyway, right?

finally, the debates. dude, johnny boy did his hw. i think both men were informed, and prepared to defend their policies. i also think that bush has a great charm to him, and that welcoming southern drawl. BUT, as a man who held a perfect debating record, what the hell happened tonight? get flustered much? kerry did not seem nervous. he came off as well composed and intelligent, just as a leader SHOULD be. bush seemed to grow restless near the end, and kept snatching for 30 second blocks to say things like, "he forgot poland!" and "Of course, I know Osama bin Laden attacked us - I know that" with awkward pauses to follow. sorry bushies, but johnny boy brought home the bacon on this one. =)

here is an exerpt from the nytimes which seems to encapsulate things nicely...

"We can change tactics when we need to, but we never change our beliefs," Mr. Bush said.

Mr. Kerry responded by suggesting that Mr. Bush's certainty might hurt him in his as job as president. "It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and you can be wrong," Mr. Kerry said, adding later that "certainty sometimes gets you into trouble."

Mr. Bush responded: "What I won't do is change my core values because of politics or because or pressure," adding: `you can't wilt under pressure."

And Mr. Kerry said yet again that his position on Iraq had been consistent. "I have no intention of wilting. I've never wilted in my life."

thatta boy johnny, grow