
last day of classes tomorrow... say whaa??


so i like making lists. crossing things off makes me feel good. list of things this girl still has to do before the *gulp* conclusion of soph yr, academically speaking:
media scrapbook
hist of the future final
writing paper
britney essay
final essay for culture and media
ocld final

& then there's the dc app. oy to the vey. ha, i like the list with the scratched off stuff better. oof.

should be a devilish wked... oooh ha, yep. or something. ...yep


so someone sent me this quiz... probably because i talk about breasts. u know how it is. well anyway, it's funny cuz it's not entirely true. check it:

ample boobs

You Have Ample Boobs!

No doubt about it, you have one hell of a rack
No matter what you wear, you're a walking boob attack
Other girls might get jealous - and say your boobs are fake
But you smile knowing their boyfriends are yours to take!

What's Good About Your Boobs?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

i like how it isn't shy about guys oggling zee friends. oh yeah, & they are real. i'm sure this is something which u were all heavily contemplating.


alright. i added the new pic since the link was absent from the profile for a while. gotta keep it real ya know. hurrah hurrah, just gave the britney presentation, why do i like presentations so much? i felt so blah today, & then BAM! awake. what up.

ya know, jewish men are not too handy around the house. can we hire somebody to do it? that's what we do
-evan cooper, trying to open the blinds
stereotypical humor used against one's self? ha, i love that man

ayyy so i've got a bajillion things to do, but i worked a lot over the wked so i'm like oh, but why mummy, why? about it at this point. i feel like soc is bs. our britney presentation is tomorrow AND i've got a writing paper to do. writing really bites my ass though. i just hate writing classes. leave me alone, i know my grammaracity.

so ya know how colors are supposed to stand for different emotions? i'm wondering if my changing my favorite color symbolizes something greater within myself, a larger sort of change. this was a thought i had before taking a nap, so ya know, it could just be crazy talk, but yeah. i used to like purple, now i'm all about the red. purple is said to be about creativity, the color of royalty, whereas red is about power & passion. hear me roar alright. roarrrr.

sometimes, i am a teen movie. but wait, i'm not a teen anymore! ha, i didn't catch the boat with the rest of em, & i knew that then. i surprise myself. this sophomore year experience will be over in like 2 weeks. that's insane. so many things have changed. i know i said that last year, but this time, it's about ME. although i maintain that i am my own worst critic, i hadn't realized i had it in me to become as laid back about things as i have been. this is something that no one should make one feel bad about. anyone who feels concern about anything i've said or done this year, i can understand that. and yeah, sometimes i don't really know what i'm doing. but this is the first time in my life that i've been okay with that. (ha, as 'overprotected' plays in the background... i'll be over with this project soon.) but yeah. it's not that i feel bad about having been analytical about my friends' behaviors in recent years, cuz i only say what i do because i care... & i hope that above all, that has always shone through. but i suppose i'm just recognizing that i too am just one giant fucking contradiction. life, is one giant fucking contradiction.

and with that, i fair thee well


flexible is fun -ben

yeah, sooo i wanted to update, buuut i don't have much to say. GOOD JOB LAURYN!!! went to see her in unbound & she's too darn cute. WOO WOO!!




if you go to IC, & u'd like us to remain friends, i'd best be seeing u there

it's gonna be a good time yo!!


A Jersey girl is "crunchy on the outside, and soft in the center. A Jersey girl has the tenacity and drive of a New Yorker, but with the beauty of warmth and humility that being from Jersey is all about," says Ecko, who cites his sister and business partner Marci as an example of a Jersey girl.

"Don't mistake her toughness as a lack of refinement. Don't misjudge her sometimes 'brash' manners as a lack of 'classiness.' At the center of the crunchy sweet exterior, she is tuned in and knows how and what she's workin'," says Ecko.


You don't have to live forever. You just have to live.


& so it's official- i do indeed have a hole in the crotch of my favorite jeans...
oh sorrow


& so there is another bit of sunshine in ithaca, both literally & figuratively. cra-zy times aiight.

i got 6 classes... i'm not sure how i feel about having a seminar on a topic i'm not hardcore into, but whatever. i need to get this all in line yo. & my advisor is still a whore monger who hasn't made any further attempts to contact me, when SHE was the one who told ME it was important. *shakes head in disgust*
any of u got class with me?
-film a&a
-intro to c&c
-communication, culture, and rhetoric
-global flow of info
-uses and methods of criticism (hadda get a waiver, prof was clearly not happy)
-issues in latin american & latina politics
18 credits & no class till 1 on tuesday & thursday... we'll see kiddies. we shall see...

here's today's fun class quote. topic: technology advancements:
i think one day ur gonna have this really tiny thing, and plug it into this other really tiny thing and be like whoah, this is fucking awesome
profound, no?

ha, so far the reviews of my self cut hair are positive... i'm wondering if u kids are lying to me... *skeptic's eye*

oy, i've got group projects attacking me right now... three baby. a film, a survey & analysis, and a research paper... each of which also entail presentations. fuck yeah. fuck yeah!!


easter morning, my dad sang a little song in a low mumble:
i love me, u love me, let's all love me together
i laughed at him. he laughed too.

being home was so welcome. ahhh yes. surprised zee rents aiight. grandma said i looked more busty. that's a blatant lie. silly grandma. then later she made me have a shot with her. she's too funny, i love grandma.

so today, i managed to miss all my classes. good fucking job, no? yeah. well i got up at 7 to register, which i guess went well, who can say, then i went back to bed around 8. i was like f my first class, but for some reason, setting my alarm didn't seem necessary. yeaaa not so much the best plan. i woke up at 3. my last class ended at 250... hence the good fucking job.

oy, i've been having some awful headaches lately. i think they're 'tension headaches,' so says webmd. i bought ice cream. aiesh.

my mom got me some mary kate & ashley make up for my easter basket. ha, my mom is awesome. i got her to help me cut my hair, against her better judgement. too much hair, it makes me crazy. so i cut it, YEAH! that might have been equally as crazy, but ehh, what can ya do.

bless joe for having this link in his profile. i came across this months ago, & was wondering where it was ever since that first time. it's the guy who writes crazy ass stuff on his credit card receipts to see if anyone will notice. good times alright. further reading, score!


oy vey. oy vey indeed.

oh sweet jersey, i am coming back to u!!

this will be the shortest trip home ever... but hot damn is it necessary. thanks to everyone and anyone who had the pleasure of listening to me rant about how much scheduling sucks. i *think* i've got it all worked out... oh sigh sigh sigh.

i'm excited for the habitat auction! 4/20 - 7pm- the pub
it's gonna be hosted by ram & urs truly... now how does that not make for a grand time? over $1,400 worth of items!! u know u wanna rock that shiz! ha, u can even bid to win a date with andrew kelly. snap.


so when u've been trying to have a simple meeting with ur advisor for the past month, & she can never meet with u, & says she'll be there & then doesn't show on several occassions... should u be offended when she tells u that "it's not rocket science!"
well speaking as someone who has had this happen, i'm gonna go with a yes. yet another reason to loathe park & those in its talons. somehow, i don't think it's an unfair request to ask someone to do what they're paid for. especially when u've been patient as they let u down time & time again. dios mio.

yeah, so in case ya couldnt tell. scheduling has been eating away at my mind. and another thing that doesn't help is seeing all the seats available for u in LA when u've already decided against it... constantly questioning if ur making the right decisions at the right time is not a good boat to be in. no siree.

hmm, i'd love to provide an anecdote of some sort, but i cant so much think right now. i do believe i shall skip my writing class tomorrow... considering that i have no paper to turn in, i have no desire to research, & it's 3AM. oh bother. who wants to write about physician assisted suicide anyway? that class makes me feel conservative. i write my papers so strangely. i dunno man... so many things we just don't know.


it's just one of those days alright...

scheduling? gahhhh!! my advisor is never ever ever around, i feel like a schizo with the amount of times i email her. but it's a new major, i've got questions AND i wanna be sure that i can fit in all that i want to do. right now, i want out of ithaca like whoah... u don't even know. i'm officially not going to LA in the fall, & i officially want to go to australia. i need to not be anywhere that is here for a while. there is talk of a london trip this summer, & despite the craptastic exchange rate, that would be amazing. i want to see eeeverything. just feelin' a little trapped right now... but hey, on the plus side, i won 5 dollars. literally.


the times they are a-changin'
oh bob, with this, u will be forever true


went to "yentl" with sarah this afternoon, thanks to ticketmaster frederick. it was a good performance, & oh how i love the theatre *equipped with british accent, of course*

outside of park, it reeks of worms. i am certain of this. worm guts galore. oh sigh.

You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.-Homer Simpson

i don't enjoy riding the tcat. it just makes me feel weird... which is kinda funny, cuz i don't get car sick. there's just something about it... all the blue & the lights... i dunno man. we took it home from acappellooza yesterday, which is why i make mention. but oy, yeah, i dunno if that's something which others experience.

i got candy for my survival skills, on the moon. yeah!! oh digital workplace... what will we not learn...

ugh. money. ugh.

here's an email... & oh snap, it's sexist. 'tis for entertainment purposes, don't hate on me, BITCH
...ha, ironic, no?
"20 Continuing Education Courses For Women"

1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Combating the Imelda Marcos Syndrome: You Do Not Need New Shoes Everyday
4. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
5. Man Management: Discover How Minor Household Chores Can Wait Until... After the Game
6. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
7. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor Is His
8. Valuation: Just Because It's Not Important to You...
9. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, Not the First
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Water retention: Fact or Fat
13. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
14. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
15. PMS: Your Problem... Not His
16. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
17. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
18. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
19. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both
20. TV Remotes: For Men Only

oh sigh... the things boys say. & i really don't understand why they don't like dancing... oh bother. kim & i watched 'mona lisa smile' last night. something like this kinda fit with the thought vibe of down with domestication.

allllright... i should telephone home so that ppl know i'm still alive. holla.


yeah, so i've been trying to figure things out lately. ie what i'm gonna do with the next 2 yrs of my life. i had another unsuccessful attempted meeting with my advisor today, cuz ya know, i enjoy walking down there in the rain, avoiding worms mind u, for kicks. i do believe i'm gonna take 18 credits next semester, stay here, & live in T7 with some ultra sexy ladies. i'm glad to have gotten into LA, but i think i'm gonna go abroad instead. i really wanna throw myself out there, cuz i'm a person who just likes to be thrown... ha, or something. such decisions, oy. hopefully i'll be able to keep both my minors... we shall see alright.

ha, so i'm a jerk. for multiple reasons of course. but tonight i did 2 jerky things. 1) there is a reason ur mama told u not to point, & 2) when someone on stage hits on u, it's probably rude to shoot them down as they perform. ha, oy

3 cheers to everyone who came to humor for humanity!! yeah habitat!!