
** Warnings from Product Labels **

**On a Duraflame fireplace log:
"Caution - Risk of Fire."

** On a compact disc player:
"Do not use the Ultradisc 2000 as a projectile in a catapult."

** On a 35-mm camera:
"When operating the selector dial with your eye to the view-
finder, care should be taken not to put your finger in your
eye accidentally."

** On a propane blowtorch:
"Never use while sleeping."

** On an air conditioner:
"Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows."

** On a vacuum cleaner:
"Do not use to pick up anything that is currently burning."

** On a mattress:
"Do not attempt to swallow."

** On a book of matches:
"Contents may catch fire."

** On a Batman costume:
"Warning: Cape does not enable user to fly."

** On a bottle of hair coloring:
"Do not use as an ice cream topping."

ha, oyyy...

so, did i do any work today? hmm... not so much. i skipped out on my last theatre class, got up around noon... oh, i declared my minor in politics, i guess that counts for something... then uh, i ate a half of a sandwich... took a small quiz for business (that test is gonna be an absolute beast!!), *takes a breath* uhm, then i ate the rest of the sandwich, saw voicestream (chop suey was awesome yo), came back here for a bit, went to late night & ran into 30 minutes folk who said they'd just been praised (ha), successfully managed to rip my earrings from my ear when coming my hair... & uh, i dunno... that's enough, i'd hope. yeah thursday.

oy, so tomorrow is zee last day of classes for the semester... that's insane. rachel, u r not alone in not wanting to go home for a month. i'm gonna scratch my eyes out before it's through. sigh.

so yeah, MIA tomorrow night... & apparent birthday fun on saturday. awh, everyone is so darn swell. i felt rather bleh today. kristin coerced me into eating wings in an attempt to stop my hands from shaking. *holds up hand* i'm not sure if that worked... but i guess i feel a bit better. oy.

so now i'm thinking about going to dc for spring of jr yr... i dunno man... i am so allover the place. i think i'm also gonna declare a minor in legal studies. why? because i am a sick freak. ha, i'm getting more for my money yo, cuz the price of this school is certainly not on clearance.

it seems that abby has been swayed into going away in the spring instead of the fall =) yay! a yr w/o abby would just not be a yr =(

ha, i suck. all day i was like boo hoo, i'm tired... & look at me, sitting here typing nonsense at nearly 3am... oh bother.

dude, join myspace.com so there's something else to do when i go there. it's like a friendster rip, but it works faster cuz not as many ppl r on it, & it's better. yep.

"I had a great Earth Day. I drove around with my muffler off, flicking butts out the window. Then I hit a deer. It's okay. I never hit a deer unless I intend to eat it." -Drew Carey

ugh, i don't like how they redid hotmail... just thought i'd share that.


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