
so today, this girl in my building, lauren, had on a shirt that said "STDS" in huge letters down the side of her arm. it stood for saint whatever whatever swimming. but hot damn was that amazing. the fact that it's actually of religious connotation really kicked it up a nothc. it gave me the first good laugh in days. thank you lauren.

overall, i'm feeling a bit better today. still mad stuffy & what not, but better even if only in spirit. kim said i was being funny again. i slept for a couple hours earlier to try & get some in before the intense throat pain sets in. ppl have said i look better today, but that's a blatant lie. when ur sick, u look like ass. it comes with the territory. my hair though? oh yeah, still fucking fabulous. ha... i've really gotta hold onto what i can right now

i just swallowed one of my pills in under a minute AND without getting upset. this is such a breakthrough for me! i realize that this phobia is "just in my head", but as i told alexis & emily earlier, so is schizophrenia. i hope this doesn't make me suck as an old lady though. old people have to take mad pills, it seems. grandma says she used to be afraid of pills as well, but now she's like bring it! also, when i was at lunch i was getting saddened by the lack of taste going on. i love food so much, so to not be able to enjoy it... to have gone to applefeast & not been able to enjoy a damn thing there... ay, it's so disheartening. but grandma will often have me taste stuff she's making cuz she says her 'tasters just don't work like they used to'. that majorly sucks yo. hopefully i'll be an awesome enough old lady to make up for these faults. ima poke mad hot bois with that cane yo. ha...

I wrote a song, but I can't read music so I don't know what it is. Every once in a while I'll be listening to the radio and I say, 'I think I might have written that.' -Steven Wright


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