
just thought i'd update to let u all know i'm still alive. critics are questioning, however:
deydra: you look worse

jeremy: how are you?
me: i'm gonna die
jeremy: yeah, you look like you're gonna die.

gah... & soon, even this shall pass... i really am so appreciative of everyone whose helped a brother out during this whole shabang. i'm sorry that i feel too crappy to really be like wow, thanks u guys! in person, but like, the emergency squad? that was awesome. thank you guys so *so* much. i owe ya.

ok, so blow drying hair... this is something i do not do. this takes time, & effort, & what not. but alas, this evening i did so. who knew my hair was so long? perhaps i shall try this again sometime. ha, though first i'd hafta get my own contraption. i dunno, i may be sick, but damn is my hair sextastic!


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