
lavender is far from relaxing

they say that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.

we have cats. the cats poop. the poop stinks. how to stop this? well today, bryan got 2 of those plug in things for the bathroom. i questioned whether or not we needed 2, but silly me for asking, a big stink requires an even bigger cover up.

about 20 minutes later, the scent of lavender had begun to creep out of the bathroom. as the day went on, i started to feel kinda weird, sort of anxious even. something was just off, but i wasn't sure why.

suddenly it hit me. "this house smells like babysitting," i announced, much to the housemates confusion. see, while the lavender claimed to be relaxing... the people that i used to nanny for bathed their home in the scent, unbenounced to me before this unsettling recollection. now, i feel like i live in a lavendar-scented prison, feeling stressed out in my childless home (well, techically speaking. i'm not so sure all of the boys warrant an adult classification).

way to go, lavendar. as my ovaries shrivel up in fear, i realize that you and i are friends no more.


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