

i made it to the next round. stacey and i are both going to having interviews with TFA in 3 weeks. i smiled when i first recieved notification, and then immediately began to feel stressed out.

on a less scary note, johnny law made it on again.

check out the new episode and see how pretty my boy is this month. *teeheehee*


the biggest pick me up everrr

noel762: i feel bored in general
StaceCrze: you should enjoy the tranquillity for now though, soon we'll have no home and no job and you and bry will have to figure out if you want to stay together, it's gonna be about as dramatic as it gets
noel762: ha, gee, thnx for recapping it for me
StaceCrze: hahah yeah that was harsh, huh?
StaceCrze: sorry man
StaceCrze: but you know, these things work themselves out
StaceCrze: i thought you meant bored about youur life, not bored like you need to leave your room

oh wait, my bad.

optimism? fading.

so today was kind of annoying. i felt terribly restless and yet the ridiculous, blustering weather kept me indoors. midterms are this week, and there is certainly much work to be done, but alas, i spent the day (essentially) looking up possible jobs. even when making good ol' dc my standby, i found myself rather crestfallen. these are the times when i see why majoring in something like accounting are viable. my altruism and idealism and assorted other isms are holding me down, boys.

if only the peace corps didn't last 26 months, i'd love to get away from it all at this point. boo.

the boy is away for the weekend for more channel 102 jive. i'm trying not to be lame. as much as when he's around all the bloody time i feel borderline annoyed, his not being here at all leaves a part of me confused. i can poke him if i get bored, and how i'm bored and i've got nothing but my future paranoias. hooray!

i also stayed up till 4 last night, and now i'm totally out of whack. man, there's so much to complain about if you just put your mind to it...

i just stumbled upon an amusing site though: the chalkboard manifesto

...the ray of sunshine in my snowy, cold and boring day. bah humbug.


baby, it's cold outside

i'm just coming home and exploiting health insurance while i still can. gonna be around?

i'll find out on tuesday whether or not TFA wants me for an interview. in 2005, they had 17,000+ applications and accepted 2,200 new corps members- quite competetive. the more i think about it though, the more i think that i really am interested in education, although specifically, community health issues.

i'd love to work on education for someplace like planned parenthood, but they don't seem to be looking at the moment. eyes peeled, kids (although i dislike said expression)

here's another good ol' petition:
"Tell Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines to Stop Treating Our Oceans Like Toxic Waste Dumps!"

and what's this? jennifer aniston is man of the year?
"Jennifer Aniston earned the honor because the magazine said she showed a lot of poise, grace and good humor during her breakup with Brad Pitt this year. The couple's divorce was granted last month after four years of marriage."
this is relatively old news, but i just heard about it today. ohhh america...

oh, AND you can order custom m&m's
who knew.

it's a freaky friday alright. freaky, indeed.


case of the mondays?

it would appear that i have met the day with a less than lovely mood.
let's talk about food instead:

go with your gut
-ny times, harriet brown


ohhh bushie...

courtesy of moveon.org:

President Bush admitted to personally authorizing thousands of allegedly illegal wiretaps, and he doesn't plan to stop. Circumventing the Constitution is serious business.

This is a big moment. People from across the political spectrum are standing together to protect the rule of law and the principles that are core to our identity as Americans.

Can you sign this petition to show Congress that Americans want a thorough investigation of the president's secret wiretapping program?




fair enough

things are going rather well. classes are getting into full swing, and i'm finding my schedule more manageable. i also found out that i'm on the "high potential" list according to the TFA recruiter... *fingers crossed*

alito was indeed confirmed though, and that is not a plus. i haven't been as up as i should be on my news lately though, so i don't feel that i can rant intelligibly at this point in time either. le sigh.

the boys and i went into the city for the screening of good ol' "running from johnny law" the other night. after an 8 hour trek, we were pleased to find that yes, it's on channel 102 yet again. check it out if you've got 5, if only to see how pretty my bf's hair is (and to laugh at them picking quite possibly the most horrendously faced still to promote the show with).

happy february, kiddies