
a night alone when i'm at home... RHYMING

back when i was a dancer, i totally wanted to be a rockette. i always forget about this until i see them again around the holidays.
even if i were still dancing though- 1) i don't think i'd feel that way now and 2) i'm not tall enough
looks like we can scratch that one of the list, eh?

well here's a survey from dell, because what else is there to do on a sunday night at home:

1)Using your current initials, choose a different name for yourself:
daniella nivea malonaise... fanciful, no?

2) If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born?
i vary on how i feel about this one, it shows in my halloween costume choices. ie flapper last year, 1960s housewife this year...

3) If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
hmm... little crafty things. it seems to be all that i know, store-wise.

4) What part in a movie would you love to play?
the smart and actually funny gal pal. none of that quiet or dumb crap.

5) In your opinion, why do people suck?
because they make generalizations HEY-OHHHHH

6) If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
well i suppose it would have to be representative of my state, and if it were mine, then it'd probably be something i did to get it. or ya know, chocolate, whatev.

7) What's the oldest article of clothing you own?
hmm... own & still wear are two very different things. i think my green zip up sweater that everyone hates from 8th grade may be the only thing that still gets some legitimate play.

8) What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
uhhh i haven't done much of that. dresser, maybe?

9) What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
sort of playing the piano was never really my goal... so i'll go with piano for $500, alex.

10) Record, tape or CD?
records look hot, but come now

11) What do you think would be the best concert ever?
ever? snap. probably like, that mtv music video awards where britney & n*sync appeared, lolol

12) What is the best part of your favorite movie?
although i wouldn't necessarily deem this my favorite movie at this particular point in my life, i always very much fancied when max slapped the lester mascot across the face, spinning his head piece around while demanding, "beat it, doofus!" in "a goofy movie"

13) What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
i heard take-five was awesome, i heard it was gross, i thought it was none of the above.

14) If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
hmm... well cat is one of the only ppl i know who is still actively buying and listening to cds. i think she may be the only one who would appreciate the mandy moore and spice girls incidents.

15) If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
yikes, just 2? why not debate who ever made up such a stupid mandate? freedom of speech, fool!!

16) Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
hmm... i have a lot of creative pals, i can't say that i'm jealous though. we're all talented in our own right.

17) Most jealous of...intellectually?
same deal. there's probabably something i'd steal and make a super potion out of from all the gals in my discussion group, and even then, my list of ingredients would only be beginning.

18) What do you collect?
i have an informal yet rather large coin collection.

19) What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
my fake eyelashes. where do they keep disappearing to? and why did one end up all bent up?

20) What do you do when you're home sick?
in hs, it seemed like jenny jones was the only thing ever on. now? probably just sleep, drink tea with honey, watch a movie (and think about good times had with j jones)

21) Current favorite article of clothing?
probably any pair of comfy pants could rock this train

22) Line from the last thing you wrote for someone?
i don't even know the last thing i wrote for someone. if it can count as an IM then it was probably something like "home whaaaaaaat"

23) A famous person you have met:
a bunch of senators, but who cares about politics grossss
ha, so how about peter tork? (one of the monkees)

24) Favorite way to waste time?
"dear internet..."

25) Last thing you bought yourself?
morning burst facewash- who can resist an inviting warm glow?

*aaaand scene*
hope there's some amusement to be found somewhere... or if nothing else, ketchup. by george, i hope there's ketchup.


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