
the long and winding road

And so my time in DC is drawing to an irrevocable close. I'm generally not the best for finding the squishiness in situations. For instance, the other day, Dell was talking about how if she had met mr lover boy earlier on in the semester, then she & I and Miss Meg wouldn't be as good of friends as we have become. I was like 'yeah, well, it's been good to have you around.' 'I think that's about as sentimental as you get, and I'm going to take it!' she said. Hurrah hurrah.

Well with that said, the semester is ending and life is approaching. A senior, who would believe it? Life is interesting, if nothing else.

My time in DC has been enjoyable, lackluster at times and unexpectedly comfortable at others. I like the city itself, perhaps if only because the buildings aren't as tall & daunting as in 'the city', but overall, I'm not a city gal, and this I have always known. The people I have encountered pretty much fit under the same category. College in general provides a rather funny social dynamic full of random encounters and short lived laughfests. There are those who I got to know better, those who found me to be a bit more than a bit of a jerk, and those who embraced both me and my faults. My roommates are wonderful people, and I don't think it's sunk in yet that in a matter of hours, we will not be able to share every inane and gritty detail of one another's lives.

I am glad for the experience, but not sad to let it end. That's the way the cookie crumbles, kids... and we knew that before we bought all that milk.


ya don't say!

last day of work tomorrow. i got thank you cards for my supervisors. they're an odd concept. i mean, they're generally really cheesey or entirely blank inside. since one of my supervisors is one of the most awkward ppl i've met in my entire life, i definitely wrote out what i was going to say before hand. i read it to zac. it sounds like she's getting fired, was his response.

*sings* awk-ward.

you know you have a problem when you have to bs a thank you. here's the uncut version:

dear awkward supervisor-

thank you for not having a nervous breakdown while i was in the office. have no fear though, i noticed a few white hairs on your 26-year-old head, so i'm sure it's on it's way. i appreciate your allowing me to bond with my coworkers on how uncomfortable you made everyone feel. best of luck finding a way to lighten up. i'm sure your sense of humor is eager to meet you =)

all the best,
your inferior



photos of recent times

less than a week left in dc. and so much decision making.

planning for the summer is absolutely aching my brain.

option 1:
stay in ithaca. intern. find other job to support sorry ass. attain car. find housing for june & july.

option 2:
last summer on repeat, ie, borrow mom's car. feel 16. nanny. get harassed lifetime movie style. make a few thousand.

fucking A. what we want and what is logical... have i glorified dear ithaca? who will be there this summer? i need a decision fairy for my analytical nature. please leave your thoughts/let me know if you will indeed be around.

i am at such a loss, and time, it is a-ticking.

so uh, pictures for cheer-



oooh, sly devil


dell is a gymnast?

squish mom!


TJ would so not be down

stop the nuclear action! filibuster may be a weird little word, but it's absence would bring us a big bit of horrors. learn more & sign the petition to halt this jazz before it f's with our Constitution.


ya gonna be around?

bahhhh. so i have officially accepted an internship in ithaca this summer. this poses problems for multiple reasons:
1- i have no transportation
2- i'm poor and this is unpaid
3- i will have to find a job
4- housing

i'm awesome.


c'est la vie

so who did i see last night?

definitely the most homoerotically charged ban i have ever seen in concert. oh they were good alright... but the dueling guitars? the sexually charged keyboard playing? look out, pool boy. look out.

i went with some ppl from work. it's just unfortunate that we're only getting to know one another once i have two weeks left... such is the story of life alright.


no seriously suga suga, how you look so fly?

so wow, i've been neglecting you hardcore, ms. blog. lo siento.

hmm... so what's new. well, the conference-with-a-long-name was a great success. we had over 400 ppl show, & i found myself rejuvenated with a sense of my obligation to the cause. hauwa ibrahim, an amazing feminist brought inspiration to all:
you are the secretary general of the united nations.
you are the president of the united states.
you are the governor of your state.
you are the future; you are our hope.


in other news, ithaca was a grand time.

and looking to the future, say hello to your new feminist web mistress next semester. also, i have been offered an internship in ithaca over the summer. who will be in ithaca?
