
sweet sweet northern breeze

and so tomorrow at this time, i will be in or very close to good ol' ithaca. i'm tres excited for the opportunity to sleep in cortney's bed alright. hit me up if you're around yo!

ps lick and lather is an awesome example of art

...happy happy happy happy...


and he looked glooorious

i have not been to work since wednesday, and oh yes, it has been glorious. i was supposed to be going home for easter, which is why i took off, but things worked out a little less then planned on that one. so here's a little insider information. i don't mean to disappoint my i wish i was working there! well wishers, but i must say that i am envious of ppl having Awesome! internship experiences. i do not feel that i am in this category, because to me, i go to work. i'm not even sure what it is that i'm learning, per se. perhaps writing news will help me be a better copy editor... perhaps one day when i ever attempt to use web design for something again, i will remember some of what i have gained from this "experience."

i dunno, i suppose i just find it hard not to bear a bit of resentment for what is billed as a chance to "learn the skills needed to fight for equality and women's empowerment" when i do not feel as if this is what the program truly stresses. yes, i have seen some senators, and that's amusing. and yes, non stop excitement is not a realistic goal, but seriously now, what makes other ppl's job sites so awesome and mine so lacking? perhaps what i am learning is how to make the best of an experience which has proved, thus far, to be less than i had hoped for.

but maybe all of the blame cannot be placed on the program, maybe i am the problem. i am used to being ridiculously busy, but it's not like i don't ask for things to do when things get dull. i am not afraid to set lofty goals for myself, and somehow, i just don't feel as if cleaning out a closet or looking up phone numbers will bring me any real ground in "the fight." perhaps the problem resides in my not really knowing what i want to do with myself, but knowing far too many things which i do not wish to pursue. this too, however, is valuable.

hmm... so, how about this, i like to write, entertain, research...
blog, we may be soulmates.

& if not, well gee, reality tv might be bringin' home my bacon some time soon.

here is a good illustration of the kind of things i'm talking about.

the world may never know...

LolaAnn816: even when you're not thinking, you are
noel762: an interesting nonthinking thinking thought
LolaAnn816: i thought so.


Happy Easter Kiddies

or a merry sunday to those of you who are not celebrating. either way, here are some pictures, which are far from easter related.



happy 21st meghan!

ay, so i was just on the metro and there was this guy kinda like

who was with this girl who looked kinda like

she was a bit stumbley for day time though, so to her, he might have looked like

thanks to of course

so then he was all like

the moral of the story? if you're gonna get drunk in the middle of the day, wear clean underwear.




the 8-year-old in me who still wants to be an archaeologist is *tres* excited.


needle in the hay

so our building got robbed. a professional pranced his way through security to steal some goods from 2 different rooms. he hit 2 other apartments on the street the same day.

our apartment was fine, and no one was hurt. nothing too dramatic. but we had a meeting to "discuss" what was being done and all. ppl started bitching about how the guards fall asleep and sometimes aren't there, because ya know, god forbid they have to go to the bathroom once during a 12 hour shift. ppl were freaking out about this, cuz alas, that is human nature.

"ya know how some stores have that bong bong sound when you walk in? why don't we just get one of those. it's cheap, it's easy, and they'll wake up."

that's a great idea, i am told. the room is in awe.

"dana," heather says. "the only one who sees the needle in the haystack."

i *am* useful, dammit.


plays well with others

roommate's best friend and mom are visiting so she will not be here tonight. i'm sitting in the living room, alone since roommate and i are generally the only ones still awake now. i went into our room a couple minutes ago (where she of course left the lights on,) a lo & behold, there was a little something on my pillow:


Don't miss me too much tonight. Your dreams will probably not be "as spicy" since I can't attack you in your sleep. Don't take over my side of the room w/ feminist propoganda and stay out of my bed :)


look kids, i *am* capable of living with other ppl. i just never realized that i would actually miss them when they are gone.

AHHH girly moment, must part-



place: ithaca
when: the weekend after easter

yeah? i'm debating if it's possible/worth my funds...

le sigh. i hate having to be cheap :/


roomy's 21st!

and so saturday brought us the birthday of miss meg, my silly silly roommate. the night started and ended with pizza, and ended with a whole lot of adam's morgan action in between. here are some pics, cuz i know you kids just eat. them. up.

yay birthday cake!

gettin' ready to roll -gina, dell, meg, me


meg pleasures adam's morgan

and me?

gina, meg, & i (apparently getting stalked by al at tom tom's)

the aftermath. gatorade and pizza for the drunkards.

until next time...


some pics from last weekend

as promised, a view into the dc life:

me and ma roommate. not the brown hair brown eyes/blond hair blue eyes contrast. we've officially made a list of our differences at this point.

meg & dell... otherwise known as the roomie & mom

oh oh and even mandy's ass made an appearance

al gets his groove on ...& as an animatronic dinosaur, apparently

note our fabulously classy wall decor in the background.

me, getting the urge to herbal

ooh, and heather makes my night a little brighter


fans of fiona?

so hey, remember fiona apple? she wore flip flops at the mtv awards and flipped out, right?

well she's so much more than that.

there's a site up to free fiona ie fiona's music from the hand's of sony and bring it to our ears. her 3rd album, "better version of me" has been completed for over a year. sony has decided not to release it, however, because they don't feel that there is a song worthy of release as a single.
click here to sign the petition. let sony know that the fans do care.

here's a song from the unreleased album: extraordinary machine


the good, the bad, and the minty

today was a good day until i realized i lost an earring. it was pink, so perhaps it was trying to make a break for it, realizing whose ear it was sitting in and all. oh well, at least i can be a bad ass rocker now... a bad ass rocker with one, chandelier-like, pink earring.

then i came home, and things perked up again when i recieved a package. a glorious package chock full of jr mints from miss lola. ohhh i smiled.

and this just in: a small village will soon be able to fit in my ass.

"THAT IS ALL," dr kahn said authoritatively. and so the campers slept.


Question kiddies

Does anyone know if working at career services is a paid position?