
a message from Rock the Vote

You did it. You pledged to vote on November 2. And you came out in record numbers. You turned out at a rate not seen in a long time-possibly since 1972 when the age was lowered to 18.

Close to 21 million people between the ages of 18 and 29 voted-that's nearly 5 million more than in 2000, and more than half of all young people in the USA.

Some in the media are suggesting that young people didn't vote. They are flat wrong, and you need to fight back. Tell your friends that their enthusiasm and determination paid off with record youth turnout on Election Day.

If you voted for Bush, you helped seal the win for President-and you should be proud.

If you voted for Kerry, you kept your candidate in the race and the country up all night as they counted your voted-and you should be proud.

Whether your candidate won or lost, you know what you need to do. Stay involved. Keep on top of the issues. Get even more people to the polls next time.

Rock the Vote takes your issues to the politicians. Stay with us as we fight to improve healthcare coverage, reduce college debt and make voting easier.

You rocked the vote this Election.
We'll help you keep rocking it.


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