
& so monday night, a truly awful thing happened. the homes we, and so many other volunteers, put our blood sweat & tears into, were vandalized.
granted, the physical damage could have been worse, but regardless, we are wounded at heart. it made me want to cry to hear what had happened. habitat is such a positive organization, & for what seems like the efforts of one or perhaps even a few individuals, the city of columbus won't be benefiting from its presence as much as before. perhaps what is the most difficult to understand, aside from the obvious question of why, is what would motivate one to do this to homes built for the less fortunate. there was nothing to steal, nothing to gain... no names to attach to the homes. 9 homes were built to do away with a rough part of town... to bring good health to an area where life was once lost... although this is truly disheartening, & may lead us to question what sort of world it is out there, let us remember that those homes were made from something more than wood and nails... there is a dedication and heart within those walls which can never be vandalized. although one individual attempted to destroy the work of many, the fact remains that over 200 ppl went to a town they had never known to put those homes there. we must show columbus that the experience meant more than a spring break getaway. we must not be discouraged, but rather, continue to show our love and support. georgia, god bless y'all.


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